Allen William NASH
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Allen William NASH QPM

Allen William NASH  QPM

New South Wales Police Force

Regd. #  ????

Rank:  Senior Constable – posthumously promoted to Sergeant 3rd Class

Service:  From 3 July 1939 to 22 August 1956 = 17+ years Service

Stations?, Pt Kembla

Awards:  Queen’s Police Medal for Gallantry – granted 28 December 1956

Peter Mitchell Trophy and the George Lewis Trophy

Cause:  Shot – Murdered

Event location:  Primbee, NSW

Born? ? 1916

Age:  40

Date of Event: Thursday  16 August 1956

Date of Death: Wednesday 22 August, 1956 at 5.25pm in Wollongong Hospital

Funeral date:  Saturday  25 August 1956 – Wagga Wagga

Allen is buried in the Wagga Wagga Cemetery, Kooringal Rd, Kooringal, NSW.

His grave is located in the Anglican Section  K – 5-0077

 Allen IS mentioned on the Police Wall of Remembrance

Senior Constable ( Sergeant 3rd Class ) Allen William NASH, Shot at Prmbee on 16 August 1956 and died on 22 August 1956.1939 Police Academy class photo with NASH being first on the left in second row from front ( circled ).
Senior Constable ( Sergeant 3rd Class ) Allen William NASH, Shot at Primbee on 16 August 1956 and died on 22 August 1956.   1939 Police Academy class photo with NASH being first on the left in second row from front ( circled ).


Allen William NASH
Allen William NASH
Allen William NASH
Allen William NASH

Allen Willim NASH



On 16 August, 1956 Senior Constable Nash was on duty at the Port Kembla Police Station. Following the receipt of a message of shots fired at a Primbee dwelling occupied by a woman and two children, Senior Constable Nash left to attend to the complaint.

On arrival he found the offender Russin near the back verandah of the house and spoke to him. Russin, however simply raised the rifle he was carrying and shot the constable. The bullet unfortunately passed through Nash’s abdomen, damaging his spine and causing him to drop his pistol. With his right arm paralysed, Nash picked up the pistol with his left hand and, although in great pain, managed to fire two shots. One shot hit the offender in the hands, and the other penetrated the heart, killing him.

Senior Constable Nash was posthumously awarded the Queen’s Police Medal for Gallantry, the Peter Mitchell Trophy, and the George Lewis Trophy.

Commissioner Delaney also promoted him sergeant 3rd class on the day before he died from his wounds.


The sergeant was born in 1916 and joined the New South Wales Police Force on 3 July, 1939.  At the time of his death he was stationed at Port Kembla.



Police Remembrance Day: Lake Illawarra sergeant Allen William Nash honoured

Kenneth Nash (left) at the Police Remembrance Day ceremony on Monday. Picture: ANDY ZAKELI.
Kenneth Nash (left) at the Police Remembrance Day ceremony on Monday. Picture: ANDY ZAKELI.

Almost 60 years on, Kenneth Nash still misses his uncle Allen.

Sergeant Allen William Nash, aged 40, was killed in the line of duty by a gun-wielding offender at Primbee in 1956.

Sgt Nash was one of eight officers stationed in the Lake Illawarra local area command who were recognised with memorial plaques on a wall of honour outside Lake Illawarra police station on Monday, as part of Police Remembrance Day commemorations.

Dozens of current and retired officers, families, friends, politicians, councillors and members of the public gathered at Oak Flats for a ceremony to unveil the memorial wall, and honour past and present officers.

Kenneth Nash travelled from Brisbane for the ceremony, laying a wreath below his uncle’s name.

‘‘We came to Port Kembla some time ago to see where he was, and they had a plaque on the wall at the station,’’ Mr Nash said.

‘‘They called us and asked if we could come for the ceremony.’’

On August 16, 1956, Sgt Nash, stationed at Port Kembla, responded to shots fired at a Primbee house.

Finding a man on the verandah, Sgt Nash attempted to speak to the man but was shot through the abdomen, the bullet piercing his spine and paralysing his right arm.

Sgt Nash then shot the offender with his left hand. He died not long after.

Sgt Nash was posthumously awarded the Queen’s Police Medal for Gallantry, the Peter Mitchell Trophy, and the George Lewis Trophy.

‘‘He wasn’t even supposed to be on duty that day, he was covering for someone else,’’ Mr Nash said.

‘‘Having a recognition like this, it’s everything for us. He had a lot of siblings but only one or two are left. This plaque means people won’t forget about him.’’

Mr Nash carries with him a cigarette case Sgt Nash had in his jacket on the day he died, and counts a cutlery set sent to his uncle by Queen Elizabeth herself as a prized family heirloom.

Since 1862, more than 250 NSW Police officers have died in the line of duty.




The Canberra Times

Friday  17 August 1956

page 1 of 16

Badly Wounded Constable Kills Gunman In Duel

WOLLONGONG, Thursday. — A critically wounded police constable shot dead his beserk attacker in a gun duel at Wollongong early to-day.

Doctors at Wollongong Hospital are fighting to save the life of the policeman, Allen Nash, 40, of Wentworth Street, Port Kembla, who was shot through the groin by a .22 bullet.

The bullet pierced his liver and lodged near his spine.

Doctors said to-night they had performed an emergency operation on Constable Nash, but his condition was still critical.  The dead man is Czech migrant, Nokolaj Russin, steelworker, of Shellharbour Rd, Primbee.

As Constable Nash lay wounded he shot Russin through the heart.

Police described Russin as a woman-basher.

Before Constable Nash fought the duel with him, Russin had terrorised a housewife and her family for an hour.

The woman is Mrs. Mildred Pearce, who lives with her husband and two children aged three and six in Allowra Crescent, Primbee.

She said that shortly before midnight Russin forced attentions on her.

When she refused him admission to the house he went berserk and fired a fusillade of shots, which shattered a window of her bedroom.

Residents said to-day they knew Russin as a gun happy lover who had approached many women in the Primbee area, but had been rejected.

Police said he was estranged from his wife, who lives in Trundle with her 10 year old son.

They believe Russin watched the Pearce home until Mr. Pearce went to work.  When Mrs. Pearce was alone, he went to the rear of the house and tried to enter.

Just after midnight Mrs.  Pearce was awakened by rifle shots and heard Russin‘s voice as he called out. As she went to open the back door, a bullet whizzed past her head. She went back to the bedroom and locked her children in the bathroom.

“I shouted to neighbours, but they didn’t hear me and when I heard a couple more shots I ran out of the front door to Mr. Stanton‘s shop opposite,” she said.

Mr. B. Stanton rang Port Kembla police and when Constable Nash arrived in a police truck, Mrs. Pearce said she went back into the house.

She heard more shots and Constable Nash called out “Mrs. Pearce, get me help. He’s shot me“.

Then Nash said “I’ve got him“.

A few minutes later Detective Sergeant Davenport and Detectives Marrott, Knott and Morgan, of Wollongong, arrived.

They found Russin dead. He was still clutching a .22 repeating rifle, on the small back verandah below the bullet-perforated back door.

Russin had been shot through the heart by one bullet from Nash‘s service pistol and a second shot had passed through both of his hands.

Nash told police that as he walked to the back verandah he saw Russin firing shots into the back door.

Russin turned and at a range of only a few feet, shot him in the stomach. Nash fired two shots and then his pistol jammed.

An examination of the house showed ten shots had been fired into the back door and bullets were buried into the wall inches from where Mrs. Pearce had been standing.



The Canberra Times

Monday  20 August 1956

page 1 of 12

Rise For Constable Nash

WOLLONGONG, Sunday,— The Police Commissioner, Mr. C. J. Delaney, to-day visited wounded police hero, Allan Nash, and promoted him from the rank of senior constable to third-class sergeant.

Sergeant Nash, 40, was promoted for bravery and devotion to duty.

He was wounded before he shot dead a beserk Czech migrant at Primbee last Thursday.

The migrant, Nokolaj Russin, had fired shots at a woman and her children and had terrorised them, for an hour before Nash tackled him.

Doctors at Wollongong Hospital said to-night that although Nash was still in a critical condition he had a fighting chance.

Mr. Delaney and several high police officers visited sergeant Nash to-day.

About 16 friends and relatives of Sergeant Nash including his parents, who came from Wagga waited outside the hospital but were not allowed to see him.

Mr. Delaney read a letter to Nash telling him of his promotion.

Part of the letter read: “Your conduct has been hailed by colleagues and the public alike as a magnificent effort.

“We of the police force are proud of you.”

Sergeant, Nash thanked Mr. Delaney for the tributes.



The Argus ( Melbourne )

Tuesday  21 August 1956

page 7 of 18

Police hero still critical

SYDNEY, Monday: Police sergeant A. Nash was still critically ill in Wollongong Hospital today.

He was shot in a gun duel with migrant Nikolaj Russin last Thursday.



The Canberra Times

Thursday  23 August 1956

page 3 of 16

Policeman Hero Dies From Migrant’s Bullet

WOLLONGONG. Wednesday. — Sergeant Allan Nash, 40, of Port Kembla, died in Wollongong Hospital this afternoon, a week  after a beserk Czech migrant critically wounded him with a .22 rifle.

Sergeant Nash had a relapse at 3 pm. and died at 5.25 pm.

When he was admitted to hospital, he was suffering from a bullet wound in his liver.

He rallied soon after admittance and doctors yesterday said his condition, although still critical, was improved.

The Police Commissioner, Mr. Delaney, visited Sergeant Nash on Sunday and promoted him from a Senior Constable to Sergeant Third Class.

Mr Delaney told Nash the Police Force and the public regarded him as a hero after shooting dead the man who shot him.

The man, Nojolsi Russin, 40, of Port Kembla, had terrorised a woman and her family at Primbee with a .22 rifle before Sergeant Nash challenged him.



The Central Queensland Herald ( Rockhampton )

Thursday  23 August 1956

page 4 of 32

Death Of Police Hero

SYDNEY. August 22. – Sergeant Allen Nash, 40, police hero in a gun duel with a crazed Czech gunman near Port Kembla last week, died this afternoon in the Wollongong Hospital, after nearly a week fighting for his life.

He was critically wounded by the gunman before he shot him dead.

The gun duel was mentioned in the Wollongong Court to-day, when a 33-year-old man was freed of a charge of occasioning bodily harm.

Ladeus Skora, labourer, of Primbee, near Port Kembla, was charged with occasioning actual bodily harm to Nikolaj Russin, the gunman whom Nash shot dead.

It was alleged that during an argument at a Port Kembla hotel, on July 23, Skora had jabbed Russin in the face and neck with a broken beer glass.

Detective J. Gudgeon told the court he knew Russin as a violent man before Nash had shot him.


The Police Commissioner ( Mr. C. J. Delaney ), said tonight the late Sgt Nash would probably be recommended for the George Medal – the highest civilian award for gallantry.

A doctor at the Wollongong Hospital said tonight that Sgt Nash had displayed ” magnificent courage ” in his fight for life.



The Central Queensland Herald ( Rockhampton )

Thursday  23 August 1956

page 11 of 32


SYDNEY, August 16. -Port Kembla police hero, Constable Allen Nash, would almost certainly be recommend for the George Medal, a senior police official said to-day.

Nash is in hospital critically wounded after shooting dead crazed Czech gunman. Nikolaj Russin, in gun duel on Thursday.

The police official said the Police Department was waiting until Constable Nash was off the danger list before interviewing him about the shooting.

Until Constable Nash gave a report on the shooting, the question of an award could not be considered.

Doctors at Wollongong Hospital said today Nash had rallied slightly during the night, but it would be several days before they could know if he would survive.


Nash was yesterday promoted from senior-constable to sergeant, 3rd class.

The Police Commissioner (Mr Delaney) told him of his promotion when he visited his bedside today.

Mr Delaney told him that the promotion was in recognition of his courage and devotion to duty.

Nash smiled at the news and said weakly: “Thank you, sir!” He was very weak and could not say anything more.



The Argus ( Melbourne )

Thursday  23 August 1956

page 1 of 22

Police hero   dies

SYDNEY, Wednesday: Police hero Sergeant Alan Nash died in Wollongong Hospital at 5.30 p.m. to-day.

Sergeant Nash was critically wounded last Thursday in a gun battle at Primbee with crazed Czech migrant Nicholaj Russin, whom he shot dead. Mr. Delaney, Police Commissioner,

promoted him from senior constable last Saturday in recognition of his bravery.

Mr. Delaney said to night: “It was with profound regret that I learned of the death of Sergeant Nash.  “He gave his life in the service of the community, and was a classic example of a courageous police officer.”

Curtain falls in gun duel drama – P. 5



page 5


A migrant was discharged in Wollongong Court today on a charge of assaulting Nicholaj Russin, who was shot dead last week in a gun duel with Sergeant Nash, who died today.

He was Ladeus Skora, 35, laborer.

Police said he jabbed a broken beer glass in Russin’s face in a Port Kembla hotel on July 23.

‘Beer glass’

Constable J. M. Gudgeon said Skora told him: “I lent Russin £30, but when I asked him for the money: he said, ‘You will not get a penny,’ and abused me.”

Skora denied he had broken a glass and jabbed Russin with it. He said he hit Russin with a full glass of beer.

Gudgeon said Russin had been known to him as a man given to violence.

Commenting, “No jury on earth would convict on the evidence,” Mr. Lake, S.M., discharged Skora.



The Canberra Times

Friday  24 August 1956

page 1 of 16

Police Hero To Be Buried At Home Town

WOLLONGONG, Thursday. —Police Sergeant Allen Nash, 40, who died in Wollongong Hospital yesterday, will be buried at Wagga on Saturday.

A service will be held at Wollongong to-morrow and the body then taken by train to Wagga, where   Sergeant Nash’s parents live.

Sergeant Nash shot dead a Czech migrant in a gun dual last Thursday at Primbee.

Before Sergeant Nash shot the man, Nikolaj Russin, the Czech wounded him in the stomach.

Russin had terrorised a woman and her children with a .22 rifle.

The woman, Mrs. Mildred Mary Pearce, 24, said to-day she would attend the funeral at Wagga.

“If he had not fired at this maniac, I am sure my children and myself would not be alive to-day.”

The Police Commissioner, Mr. Delaney, said he had made an urgent recommendation that Sergeant Nash be decorated for his bravery.



The Canberra Times

Saturday  25 August 1956

page 1 of 16

Police Honour Dead Hero

WOLLONGONG, Friday; -More than 130 police to-day escorted a coffin bearing the body of police hero; Sergeant Allen Nash, 40, to Wollongong Railway station to-day.

Sergeant Nash’s body will be taken to Wagga and buried there with full police honours to-morrow.

Sergeant Nash was wounded in a gun duel with Czech migrant Nikolai Russin near Port Kembla last week and died in Wollongong Hospital two days ago.

Although critically wounded Nash shot Russin dead.

The Deputy Commissioner of Police, Mr. George Smith, represented the Commissioner, Mr. Delaney, at the funeral, service to-day.

The Minister without portfolio, Mr. Gollan, represented the Premier, Mr, Cahill.

Sergeant Nash’s father,   Mr. Albert Nash, of Wagga and other relatives also attended the service.


The Argus ( Melbourne )

Saturday  25 August 1956

page 3 of 38


SYDNEY, Friday: More than 15,000 people attended the funeral at Wollongong today of police hero, Sergeant Alan Nash.

Members of Parliament marched in the funeral procession, which was given full police honors. [ Sergeant Nash was shot last week in a gun battle with a crazed man, whom he shot dead. ]

His body was taken today to Wollongong railway station.

He will be interred at Wagga tomorrow.


The Central Queensland Herald ( Rockhampton )

Thursday  30 August 1956

page 16 of 32

10,000 At Police Hero’s Funeral

SYDNEY, August 24.-Ten thousand people today saw the funeral procession for the police hero, Sgt. Alan Nash.

Crowds lined the streets of  Wollongong after the funeral service.

A police band, a motor cycle escort and 100 uniformed policemen led the process on to the Wollongong railway station after the service.

Another service will be held tomorrow at Wagga, Southern New South Wales, before Sgt Nash’s body is buried there.


The Argus ( Melbourne )

Saturday  22 December 1956

page 6 of 30


SYDNEY, Friday: Police sergeant Nash’s pistol jammed during a duel with a Ukrainian migrant, Wollongong coroner was told today.

Mr. W. Musgrave, Coroner, was conducting an inquest on Sergeant Allan William Nash, 39, of Port Kembla, and Nikolaj Russin, 34, of Primbee.

Both were fatally shot in a gun duel at Wollongong on August 15.

Detective-constable W. Ross, C.I.B, ballistics expert, told the coroner that 50% of N.S.W. police used the same type of pistol Nash used, which was obsolete.

He said Nash’s pistol had failed to fire four times in a test when 50 shots were fired.

Mr. Musgrave said this type of pistol should be re placed.

He said most Australians respected the police force, who rarely had to draw their batons or pistols.

“A few quiet words is all that is necessary at most times,” he said.

“Some recent arrivals in Australia, unfortunately, carry life cheaply, and although they are in the minority, it is a matter members of the force should keep in mind.”

Mr. Musgrave found Sgt. Nash died as the result of complications following gun shot wounds inflicted by Russin.

He said Sgt. Nash had “upheld the valor and tradition of the N.S.W. police force.”

He found Russin died when justifiably shot by Sgt. Nash in self-defence.

Det.-sgt. J. Davenport said when, with Det. V. Marrott, he interviewed Nash in hos pital soon after the shooting Nash told him he had been called to the home of Mrs. Mildred Pearce, at Primbee, where Russin was firing shots at the back door.


The Canberra Times

Friday  28 August 1956

page 1 of 8

Queen’s Medal Awarded To Sgt. Nash

SYDNEY, Thursday.

Sergeant Allan Nash, formerly of Wagga, has been posthumously awarded the Queen’s Police Medal for gallantry.

Sgt. Nash, 40, who was stationed at Port Kembla, was fatally wounded in a gun battle with a beserk Czech, Nokolaj Russin, at Primbee, near Port Kembla, early on August 16, after the man had terrorised a married women and her family with a rifle.

Sgt. Nash, although shot in the stomach, shot the .22 rifle from Russin’s hand and then shot him through the heart.




Canberra Times (ACT : 1926 – 1995), Saturday 28 December 1963, page 6

Police Seek New Pistol

SYDNEY, Friday. -The Police Association of N.S.W. will press the Police Department to replace all Webley and Scott issue automatic pistols following the death last week of Constable Cyril Howe at Oaklands.

The secretary of the association, Mr. F. C. Laut, said today his organisation had been pressing for a replacement of this type of pistol “for many years”.

Two police officers had lost their lives in recent years when using these pistols, he said.

Both had fired their pistols twice and the mechanisms had jammed at the third shot. They were Constable Howe and Sergeant Nash, who lost his life several years ago at Wollongong.

Mr. Laut emphasised that the failure of the pistols could not necessarily be claimed to have been the cause of the officer’s deaths.

The department, however, apparently admitted a flaw in the issue type of pistol when it permitted officers to arrange for “personal replacements” of weapons.

Mr. Laut said the association had “pinned its hopes” on an Italian made .38 calibre automatic pistol.

Officers had to carry pistols when on duty and could be called to use them at any time.



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  1. Allan William Nash who was shot dead at Port Kembla was my uncle whom I was very close to up until his death I have all the paper cuttings and photos of what happened on that day.

    1. Hi Ken,

      Condolences on the loss of Allan all those years ago. I also worked out of Pt Kembla at one time.
      I would love a copy of any of the articles and photos that you have in relation to Allan to go with his Memorial Post.
      Simply scan them ( if you can ) at a high resolution and email them to

      Many regards


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