Constable Michael QUINLIVAN

Constable Michael QUINLIVAN



3 September, 1863


On the morning of 3 September, 1863 the constable was drowned while attempting to cross the Turon River at Sofala, north of Bathurst. He had been assisting Sergeant Hardy in pursuit of offenders who had earlier committed an armed holdup on Smith’s Public House. The two police succeeded in capturing one of the offenders and recovering some of the stolen property.


The Sydney Morning Herald dated 12 September, 1863 reported that “A party of troopers from Mudgee arrived here in pursuit of two bushrangers, and one of the troopers, in endeavouring to cross the river for the purpose of visiting the Sofala police camp missed his footing on the plank, which was overflowed with water, and consequently hid from his view. He fell into the river, and was swiftly swept by the current into an eddy caused by a deep hole, and, shocking to relate, he was drowned. The unfortunate deceased, Michael Quinlivan, was a native of Ireland, and he had but recently obtained his discharge from H.M. XIIth Regiment. He was much respected by his brother troopers, although he had been located with them a very short period.”


The constable was born in 1837 and joined the New South Wales Police Force on 18 August, 1862. At the time of his death he was stationed at Mudgee. He was formerly been a soldier in the 12th Regiment.

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