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Greg RODGERS – Former NSWPF – a few extra months


New South Wales Police Force

Joined as a Junior Trainee 19 July 1982

Stationed at Burwood, 9 Division HWP, 24 Division Hwp

Former NSWPF member Greg Rodgers
Former NSWPF member Greg Rodgers

In January this year ( 2014 )  I was diagnosed with Grade 4 Glioblastoma Multiforme. I have had Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy .

In June this year a portion of a second brain tumour was removed. The standard Chemotherapy used for Brain Cancer has to this date been unsuccessful and the tumour continues to grow.

My biggest hurdle at present is the swelling of the brain.

An alternative Chemotherapy will help with this swelling and may give me an extra couple of months with my family.

There is little or no government subsidy and we have sought help through foundations which have been unsuccessful.

I am asking for a small donation from my family and friends to help with the cost of further treatment.




To date ( 5 September 2014 ), $18,436 of the $20,000 needed, has been raised in ONE DAY with donations by 163 people.

This link will take you to the gofundme.com website where you can make your donation.

Every little dollar helps this man spend just a little bit more time with his family.

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