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Clarence Cummin LONSDALE

Clarence Cummin LONSDALE

New South Wales Police Force – Retired

Retired around 1975

Died: 2 September 2000

about 90 old

Forster, NSW.


17 January 2014:  Trevor Carroll asks,

Does anybody on this page remember a retired Policeman, Clarence Cumming Lonsdale, I think he may have been a super when he retired from the Tamworth area. I had some dealings with him at Forster in 1990, at that time he was 80 years of age, so he possibly retired 1975.
The reason I asked is that in 1990 I was working GD’s one up in Forster, a daylight arrest of a drink driver turned into a punchup, at one stage with me on the bottom 80 year old Clarence walked over from his front verandah where he had been sitting with his wife. Picked up my baton which was laying on the ground beside me and my punching buddy. Clarence took a big swing with the long baton something he had probably never touched before and promptly ended that fight. A true gentleman. Clarence died at Forster 2.9.2000.

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