Sergeant Barry STEVENS
New South Wales Police Force
5 December 1996
Barry was a Sergeant with the Illawarra ( Wollongong ), NSW, Highway Patrol and died on the 5 December 1996 from cancer.
Barry was a Sergeant with the Illawarra ( Wollongong ), NSW, Highway Patrol and died on the 5 December 1996 from cancer.
Police Dog CARTS New South Wales Police Force Died 9 December 2007 Murdered – stabbed 5 years old 4th NSWPF Dog to be killed ‘ on duty ‘ since formation of the Squad in 1932. The fourth Police Dog killed ‘ on duty ‘ was Police Dog Carts, who died after being stabbed during a…
Graham FORBES aka ” Melton ” aka ” Forbsey “ ( late of Erskine Park ) Goulburn Police Academy class 231B New South Wales Police Force Regd. # 20163 Rank: Constable 1st Class Stations: ?, Ermington Service: From ? to 2 August 1993 Awards: ? Born: 17 August 1964 Died on: 2 August 1993 Cause: …
Robert Thomas DOMINISH New South Wales Police Force Joined via the NSW Police Cadets system on 12 August 1963 Cadet # 1864 Regd. #: ? Rank: Constable 1st Class Stations: Petersham, 21 Special Squad Service: From 12 August 1963 to 17 February 1974 Awards: ? Born: 1946 Died on: 17 February 1974 Cause: Motor Vehicle…
Geoffrey WILLIAMSON aka Blinky Bill New South Wales Police Force [alert_yellow]Regd. # 5237[/alert_yellow] Rank: Probationary Constable – appointed 13 May 1946 Inspector Stations: ?, Fairfield, 34 Division, O.I.C. – Parramatta District Service: From ?pre 13 May 1946 to ? ? ? Awards: ? Born: 10 July 1923 in Sydney, NSW Died on: 17 September 2009…
Alfred GALLARD New South Wales Police Force Regd. # ? Rank: ? Stations: ?, thought to have been stationed at Broken Hill Service: From ? to ? Awards: ? Born: ? ? 1870 Died on: ? Cause: ? Age: ? Funeral date: ? Funeral location: ? Buried at: ? [alert_red]? is NOT mentioned on the…
Ian John DRANSFIELD AKA ? Late of ? NSW Police Training Centre – Redfern – Class # 158 New South Wales Police Force ProCst. # 92051 Regd. # 17885 Service: From 23 January 1978 to 22 March 1987 = 9 years, 1 month, 27 days Service Rank: Commenced…