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Mark BURRIDGE New South Wales Police Force Died  27 June 2014 Funeral  2pm  Monday  7 July 2014 at Leura Memorial Gardens, 1 – 17 Kitchenere Rd, Leura Obituary will appear in Friday’s Sydney Morning Hearald.       [divider_dotted] Funeral location: [google-map-v3 shortcodeid=”b0e879d2″ width=”350″ height=”350″ zoom=”12″ maptype=”roadmap” mapalign=”center” directionhint=”false” language=”default” poweredby=”false” maptypecontrol=”true” pancontrol=”true” zoomcontrol=”true” scalecontrol=”true”…

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Kenneth John McMILLAN

Kenneth John McMILLAN aka  Bert New South Wales Police Force ProCst Regd. #  92448 [alert_yellow]Regd. # 18275[/alert_yellow] Rank: Probationary Constable – appointed 18 September 1978 Senior Constable – appointed 18 September 1987 Sergeant – retired Stations:  Wollongong G.D.’s, Wollongong Licencing, Hurstville Licencing. Service:  From  pre July 1978  to  ? ? ? = ? years Service…

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Damian LEEDING Queensland Police Detective Senior Constable Coomera Police Station 34 old Born  17th January, 1976 Murdered – Shot on 29 May 2011 Died  1 June 2011 Funeral Tuesday, 7th June, 2011 Gold Coast Convention Centre, corner of Gold Coast Highway and TE Peters Drive, Broadbeach,  commencing at 11.00 a.m.     Policeman shot in…

Barry Robert DUFFY
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Barry Robert DUFFY

Barry Robert DUFFY aka  Scruffy,  Bazz,  The Stomper, The Macksville Mauler Late of  Tuncurry, Bathurst & Orange NSW Police Redfern Academy Class: “possibly” Class 129 – 130 New South Wales Police Force NSW Police Cadet # 2405 Regd. #  14958 Rank:  NSW Police Cadets – commenced 2 December 1968 Probationary Constable – appointed  2 November…

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Brian Keith HUGHES New South Wales Police Force Sergeant formerly of Fairfield ( 34 Division ) HWP. Serving at Green Valley LAC. Survived by his ‘Serving’ wife Died  3 June 2014 from Cancer 51 old Funeral  12 June 2014 Memorial: NSW Police force Service Memorial Wall, Sydney Police Centre, Surry Hills, F26 ( left wall…

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Arthur James HAYWARD

Arthur James HAYWARD New South Wales Police Force Regd. # 10309 81 old Died  1 June 2014 Funeral  6 June 2014       With regret I advise the death of Arthur James HAYWARD, 81 old, former Regd. No. 10309, a non-member of the RPA of Cordeaux, NSW. Arthur passed away on 01/06/2014 and his…

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Harry BRENNAN GM  aka  Henry, Bren Late of Caringbah, NSW Penrith Police Academy Class # 018 New South Wales Police Force Regd. # 6424   Rank:  Probationary Constable – appointed 13 June 1949 ( aged 21 years 3 months, 11 days ) Sergeant 3rd Class – appointed 1 June 1966 Sergeant 2nd Class – appointed…

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Allan Marshall WHITE

Allan Marshall WHITE Father to Nick White ( NSWPF # 16757 ) AKA  ? Late of  ? NSW Redfern Police Academy Class #  ??? New South Wales Police Force [alert_yellow]Regd. #  15830[/alert_yellow] Rank:  Probationary Constable – appointed 2 July 1973 Constable 1st Class – appointed 2 July 1978 Senior Constable – appointed 2 July 1982…