2020 | Articles | Cancer | Cause | Class | Cremated | Currently Serving | Deceased Police | Funeral | Gender | Illness | In Uniform | Incomplete | Live Streaming | Location | Male | Memorial | Memorial ( plaque / trophy / room etc ) | Metastatic Colorectal | No | NSW | NSWPF Service Memorial Wall - Surry Hills | Of Church service | Off Duty | Photos | State | Wall of Remembrance | with Police Vehicle | Year | Yes
Kevin William SMITH
Kevin William SMITH AKA Smithy Late of ? Father of Samuel SMITH, NSWPF # 50666 Father of William SMITH, NSWPF # 53562 NSW Police Training Centre Redfern – Class # 180B New South Wales Police Force Regd. # 20135 Service: From 11 January 1982 to 7 December 2020 = 38…