Ross Sanderson LAMBERT
Ross Sanderson LAMBERT
AKA Roscoe
Late of ?
NSW Police Training Centre – Redfern Class # 083 – 084
New South Wales Police Force
Regd. # 9692
Rank: Commenced Training at Redfern Academy on Monday 30 May 1960 ( aged 22 years, 10 months, 22 days )
Probationary Constable- appointed 4 July 1960 ( aged 22 years, 11 months, 26 days )
Constable – appointed ? ? ?
Constable 1st Class – appointed 30 May 1966
Detective – appointed ? ? ?
Senior Constable – appointed 30 May 1970
Sergeant 3rd Class – appointed 19 September 1976
Sergeant 2nd Class – appointed 23 June 1983
Sergeant 1st Class – appointed ? ? ?
Final Rank = ?
Stations: ?, North Coast ( 1966 ), Central Police Stn ( 1 Division )(1980s ), ?
Service: From 30 May 1960 to ? ? ? = ? years Service
Awards: National Medal – granted 15 September 1980 ( Sgt 3/c )
1st Clasp to National Medal – granted 22 September 1987 ( Sgt 2/c )
2nd Clasp to National Medal – granted 22 September 1987 ( Sgt 2/c )( but this comes up as the 1st Clasp on Australian Honours system )
Police Overseas Service Medal – Clasp CYPRUS – granted 8 July 1992 ( Sgt 3/c )
Born: Thursday 8 July 1937
Died on: Saturday 18 January 2020
Age: 82 years, 6 months, 10 days
Cause: ?
Event location: ?
Event date: ?
Funeral date: Friday 24 January 2020 @ 1pm
Funeral location: Frenchs Forest cemetery,
Wake location: North Curl Curl Surf Life Saving Club, NSW
Funeral Parlour: Peninsula Funerals Services, NSW 9999 5211
Buried at: Frenchs Forest Bushland Cemetery,
Grave site: Banksia Lawn, General, 472 ( dual occupancy with his wife – Helen Lorraine Lambert, B: 20 Feb 1946, who died 16 January 2000 )
GPS of Grave: -33.738916 151.203284
Memorial / Plaque / Monument located at: 1/ Surf Boat for North Curl Curl SLSC, Christened ” Ross Lambert ” by Cath Lambert, at the club AGM day – 17 August 2020
2/ ?
Dedication date of Memorial / Plaque / Monument: Nil – at this time ( September 2020 )
ROSS is NOT mentioned on the Police Wall of Remembrance *NEED MORE INFO
May they forever Rest In Peace
Australian Police YouTube Channel
Nothing, at the time of publication on 2 September 2020, is known about this mans Policing career.
Canberra Times (ACT : 1926 – 1995),
Saturday 26 February 1977, page 8
Man said to have hindered police
SYDNEY, Friday. — A teaching brother pleaded not guilty in Central Court today to a charge of hindering police who had arrested a drunken Aboriginal woman in Sydney on November 30 last year.
Before the court was Brother Thomas Charles Hammerton, 39, a De La Salle teaching brother attached to the St Vincent’s Presbytery, Redfern.
Sergeant Ross Lambert said that as the woman was being placed in the police van, Brother Thomas had tried to grab, her. He said that Brother Thomas had yelled,”Watch the racist police.
Watch. Watch”.
He told Brother Thomas to go away but he lunged again and tried to take hold of the woman.
Brother Thomas said he had told the police to treat the woman with dignity and respect.
He said the police pushed and shoved the woman like a “sack of potatoes”.
He said he had then said to them, “Hey, are you a racist or what?”
Mr Berman, SM, adjourned the hearing until March 16 and allowed Brother Thomas to go free without bail.
We had some good times together ROSCO you will be sorely missed my friend.
A true gentleman great copper and a loving father and grandfather.
Rest easy mate now with Helen