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Kevin Michael LAWLER

Kevin Michael LAWLER

Late of  ?

New South Wales Police Cadet # 0397

Penrith Police Training Centre – Class ??

New South Wales Police Force

[alert_yellow]Regd. #  5511[/alert_yellow]

Rank: NSW Police Cadet – commenced 1 March 1943

Probationary Constable – appointed 17 March 1947

Constable – appointed 17 March 1948

Constable 1st Class – appointed 17 March 1954

Senior Constable – appointed 17 March 1959

Sergeant 3rd Class – appointed 27 June 1962

Sergeant 2nd Class – appointed 13 August 1968

Sergeant 1st Class – appointed 30 November 1973

Inspector 3rd Class – appointed 30 September 1977

Inspector – appointed 14 April 1978

Senior Inspector – appointed 1 August 1981

Superintendent – appointed 31 March 1983

Kev took Optional Retirement as of – 11 July 1985

StationsAs a Cadet, Kev was stationed at:  # 3 Division- Darlinghurst from 1 March 1943

Traffic Office from 15 September 1943

# 20 Division from 8 May 1944 on the switch ( this could have been HQ )

Redfern – # 7 Division from 1 February 1945

‘possibly’ Daceyville – # 15 Division from the 16 October 1945 in the Plain Cloths Room

Darlinghurst – # 3 Division from 20 November 1945 in the Vice Squad Room

# 20 Division from 11 June 1946 in the Commissioner’s Correspondence Branch

# 5 Division – ‘possibly’ Newtown from 9 December 1946

As a Sworn member:   Redfern Depot ( Academy ) from 17 March 1947 ( Trainee )

# 3 Division – Darlinghurst from 31 March 1947 – on General Duties

Riverina District – Cargelligo (  “A” Class ‘possibly’ plain clothes ) – General Duties

# 3 Division – Darlinghurst from 5 December 1949 as Reserve Constable

C. I. Branch from 27 August 1951 in the M.O. ( Modus Operandi ) section

Scientific Technical & Other Services from 31 January 1973

S.T.O.S.G. from 17 February 1974 – M.O. section as O.I.C. ( Officer in Charge )

To perform two months supernumerary general duty at # 34 Division ( Fairfield ) from 3 June 1974 to 2 August 1974

To perform two months supernumerary general duty at # 18 Division ( Parramatta ) from 1 August 1976 to 25 September 1976

# 34 Division – Fairfield from 23 January 1977 on General Duties

# 8 Division – Balmain – from 25 September 1977 as Assistant Officer

# 22 Division – Liverpool – from 12 March 1978 as Assistant Officer

Technical Support Branch from 31 August 1980 as Information Officer

# 22 Division from 9 May 1982 as OIC of Division

Wollongong from 11 February 1983 as Assistant Superintendent

ServiceFrom  1 March 1943  to  11 July 1985 = 42+ years Service

As a Cadet – Kevin passed the ‘Outfit Cycles’ course on 19 May 1943 and, it appears, again on 18 October 1948.  He was ‘authorised’ to driver General Duty Cars on the 6 October 1977 ( as a Sgt 1/c it would seem ).  During a class test on the 1 October 1948, he could do 110 words per minute in Shorthand.

As a Policeman – Kevin successfully completed course of training in the “Identi-Kit” system.

Completed the 1969 Course in Criminology

Attended Disaster Commanders Course # 2 from 20 to 24 November 1978

Attended Course # 803 – Disaster Control at the Aust. Counter Disaster College, Mt. Macedon, Victoria.

Awards:  On the 13 May 1971 he was awarded the Police Long Service & Good Conduct Medal

National Medal – granted 29 June 1984

Born:   10 May 1926 in Moss Vale

Died on:   Sunday  18 March 2018 at noon

Age:  91

Cause:   ?

Event location:   ?

Event date:   ?

Funeral date:   ? ? ?TBA

Funeral location:   ?TBA

Funeral Parlour: 

Buried at:   ?TBA

 Memorial located at:   ?

Kevin Michael LAWLER

[alert_yellow]KEVIN  is NOT mentioned on the Police Wall of Remembrance[/alert_yellow]  *NEED MORE INFO


 Funeral location TBA





May they forever Rest In Peace


Kevin was a lovely bloke who knew and looked after his troops.
A tall man at 6′ 3″, he was 13 stone, 13 lb when he joined the NSWPF with blue eyes, black hair and a single man who was a general farm hand, for 18 months, prior to joining “the job”.
Kev married on the 29 September 1951
I randomly ran into Kev at Coles, Moss Vale, about two years ago ( 2016 ).  We didn’t have a great deal to do with each other directly over my 27 years of Policing but we knew each other to the point that I approached him to say g’day.
Apart from age, he hadn’t changed much but bugger me if he didn’t remember my name and without even bringing the topic up, he said that what “they” did to me ( stemming from my on duty fatal mva in 2002 ) “was wrong”.  That comment really touched me.  You think that you are insignificant in the scheme of things but there are people on the side who remember you for the good work that you did – not the mishaps that occurred upon the journey of policing.
We chatted for a few minutes but it was lovely to run into him and have that last chat.
May Kev forever Rest In Peace.
Greg Callander
Back row, l to r: Bob Day, Ted Cook, Ken Fitzpatrick, Cliff McHardy, Ted Houghton, Frank Metz, Colin Joyce<br /> Middle row: Dennis Toohey, Kevin Lawler, Frank Parkes, Dick Lascelles, John Eisenhuth, Bob Smith, Ron Bunt<br /> Front row: Jim Pyne, Jock O'Keefe, Fred Aldred, Charlie Crittle, Joe Hall, John Wilson, Ken Donald
Back row, l to r: Bob Day, Ted Cook, Ken Fitzpatrick, Cliff McHardy, Ted Houghton, Frank Metz, Colin Joyce
Middle row: Dennis Toohey, Kevin Lawler, Frank Parkes, Dick Lascelles, John Eisenhuth, Bob Smith, Ron Bunt
Front row: Jim Pyne, Jock O’Keefe, Fred Aldred, Charlie Crittle, Joe Hall, John Wilson, Ken Donald

Canberra Times (ACT : 1926 – 1995), Saturday 28 April 1984, page 9

New search for girl’s body

WOLLONGONG: Police are planning a new search for the body of five year old Renee Aitkin who vanished 10 weeks ago from her home in Narooma.

Renee disappeared during the night from the bedroom she shared with her brother, Bradley, 8.

Superintendent Kevin Lawler, of Wollongong, said yesterday it would be at least three weeks before the police needed for this fourth search would be available.

“We’ve got too many on leave at the moment to raise the numbers, and there’ll be more sitting for exams during the May holidays,” he said.

Early this month Chief Inspector Bob Snape, of Wollongong, said research in Victoria had led them to conclude that Renee had been murdered and that her body was somewhere around Narooma.



Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 – 2001), Friday 11 March 1949 (No.37), page 677

The 18th day of February, 1949.

BY virtue of the authority vested in me by the District Courts Act, 1912, I hereby appoint Constable Kevin Michael Lawler to act as Bailiff at Lake Cargelligo of the District Court holden at Wyalong during the absence of Sergeant Richard John Law.

(6213) F. W. BERNE, Judge.



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