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Duncan J. McDONALD

Duncan J. McDONALD

New South Wales Police Force

Regd. # ?

Rank:  Sergeant – retired

Stations?, from about 1920 – 1931 Cootamundra – retirement

Service:  From  ?? about 1900  to  4 July 1931 = 31 years Service

Awards?  “possibly” awarded the Imperial Service Medal on 21 March 1933 if his middle name is Joseph


Died on?



Funeral date?

Funeral location?

Buried at?


[alert_blue]DUNCAN is NOT mentioned on the Police Wall of Remembrance[/alert_blue] * NOT JOB RELATED


 Funeral location:


Cootamundra Herald ( NSW )          Tuesday  27 May 1930     page 3 of 4

Sergeant Duncan McDonald received a sudden call on Saturday to Sydney, where his brother is seriously ill.




Cootamundra Herald ( NSW )          Friday  3 July 1931     page 7 of 8

Sergt. Duncan McDonald, who for the past 11 years has been stationed at Cootamundra, will finish his service with the police force to-morrow when he will retire. A popular figure, in town, the sergeant took a great interest in public matters, particularly football. Very few games were played without him being on the line. He intends to make his future home in Sydney, though he did say that if the Maher Cup was still here he would think twice about leaving.



Cootamundra Herald ( NSW )          Monday  6 July 1931     page 4 of 4


To Sergt. D. J. McDonald    

Sergt. Duncan McDonald, who retired from the police force on Saturday after 31 year’s service, eleven of which were spent in Cootamundra, was tendered a farewell on Saturday morning.

After the loyal toast,  Police Magistrate Harrison presided over a gathering which represented the police, legal profession, court officials and shire and municipal councils and the press.

The chairman explained that the object of the function was to say farewell to Sergt. McDonald and to wish him every success in his new sphere. As a police magistrate, he had nothing but admiration for the sergeant, both as a police officer and a citizen.

The guest of honor had been in the police force for 31 years, and during that time he had never been other than a genuine officer of kindly disposition, and now he was about to enjoy a long period of well-earned rest.

Inspector Brandon, in a short speed, said that Sergeant McDonald was a thoroughly reliable officer and a genuine man in every way. He hoped that Sergeant McDonald’s place would be taken by a man just as capable. He wished the sergeant good health and long life for both himself and his family.

Mr. Hardwick, C.P.S., said that it was a pleasure to work with Sergeant McDonald. He had endeared himself to everyone, but he was glad that he could look forward to a long period of rest after many years of service.

Mr. Vaughan, on behalf of the legal profession, said he could not understand why Sergeant McDonald was leaving Cootamundra.

Probably one of the reasons was that Cootamundra had lost the Maher Cup. ( Laughter ). Perhaps another motive was that a small voice may be heard calling,   ‘Grandpa!’ The members of the profession wished the sergeant and his good wife years of happiness. He had been a loyal servant, and was justly entitled to a rest after years of service on behalf of the State.

Mr. Kirley, on behalf of the Shire Council; Mr. Witt, the Municipal Council ; and Mr. Pinkstone, the press ; added their good wishes.

On behalf of the gathering, Mr. Harrison presented the sergeant with a travelling rug, and a handsome handbag for Mrs. McDonald, while Mr. Vaughan made a presentation of a tea set on behalf of the legal profession.

In responding; Sergeant McDonald tendered his sincerest thanks, but pointed out that everything was a surprise to him, and the remarks were very flattering. He had been told that there was a case on, and the P.M. would be annoyed if he did not hurry. Instead he had found banquet tables spread out, and had received these presentations.

During his eleven years in Cootamundra, he had carried out his duties to the best of his ability. He had got on very well with the legal profession, and could not remember any argument. The people of Cootamundra were a law abiding community, and the work of a police officer was made comparatively easy.

He intended to come back again to see a cup match.  He thought that Cootamundra would win back the Maher Cup, and he hoped to be on the line when they did. He thanked the P.M. and the inspector for the consideration they had shown him.   He was very sorry to leave his comrades, but appreciated very much the spirit in which the presents were given, and always be please to welcome friends at his home at Kensington.

Constable Ryder, on behalf of members of the force, said that Sergeant McDonald had been most obliging both as a superior officer and as a friend, always ready and willing to give advice when asked. The force felt as if they were losing a father.   When he came back the police would have the trouble of keeping Sergeant McDonald back off the line at football matches. ( Laughter ). He remembered one big game, when the crowd were barracking.  Someone called out, ” Put the crowd back ! ” Then a voice called, ” Put Battleaxe back ! ” Sergeant McDonald heard this, and said, ” Who is this Battleaxe ; I’ll shift him !” Every policeman had a nick name. The name of McDonald would not die out in the force, as a son was following in the father’s footsteps.    He presented the sergeant with a miniature of the police station safe, over which the sergeant had been a zealous guardian during the past five years.

In receiving it, Sergeant McDonald said that the small safe would hold practically all the money he had saved, and it would always remind him of his friends in the Cootamundra police force.




Cootamundra Herald ( NSW )          Friday  9 August 1935     page 3 of 8

Old friends will be sorry to learn that the wife of ex-Sergeant McDonald is critically ill.





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