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Government and General Order

The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser         Saturday  14 April 1821          page 1 of 4

Government and General Order

Colonial Secretary’s Officer

Sydney,  14th April, 1821



His Honor the Lieutenant Governor ( in the Absence of His Excellency the Governor ) has been pleased to appoint Thomas Trotter to be a Constable in the District of Botany Bay, in the Room of Robert Gardiner, dismissed for improper Conduct.


His Honor is further pleased to direct, that Andrew Kenny, recently appointed a Constable for the District of Bathurst, shall also do Duty in the District of Melville.


By Authority of His Honor,

F. Goulburn, Colonial Secretary




The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser         Friday  22 February 1822           page 1 of 4


Colonial Secretary’s Office,

21 st February, 1822. Civil Department,

HIS Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint Joseph West to be Constable in the Cowpastures, vice Robert Higgins, dismissed for Neglect.


By Command of His Excellency,

F. Goulburn, Colonial Secretary.




The Australian ( Sydney )         Friday  23 July 1830     page 1 of 6



This morning’s and Saturday’s Gazette contain nothing under the above head, in addition to our last, except the following :-

Col. Sec. Office. 26th July 1830. – Goulburn Plains, ArgyleDaniel Geary, holding a ticket of leave, to be constable in the room of Richard Devine,   resigned ; to bear date from the 18th day of May last. —

Lower Portland HeadJohn Smith, per Marquis Huntley, to be scourger, in the room of John Donohoe, dismissed ; to bear date from the 1st of April last. —

Patrick’s Plains, Hunter’s RiverJohn Allen to be watch-house keeper, from the 1st instant, in the room of Thomas Fuller resigned.

Certificate of Freedom, 26th July, 1830, – 39. Tickets of Leave cancelled, 4.




The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser         Saturday  26 March 1831           page 1 of 4

Government Notice.

Colonial Secretary’s Office,

Sydney, March 25, 1831.

HIS Excellency the Governor has been pleased to approve of the following Alterations in the Police of the Colony, viz. –

Parramatta – To be discontinued from the 31st instant – District Constable, W. Comber, Ordinary Constables P. Rodgers, and J. Browne ; District ConstableJ. Roberts, Melville ; Ordinary Constables, R. Chapman, Melville;   J. Browne, Concord ; R. Hathaway, Seven Hills; J. James, Baulkham Hills ; W. Moore, Castle Hill, and J. Swanborough, Prospect ; and the Constable at Barren Ridges, from the 17th instant.

InveraryThomas Hyams, per Champion, to be Scourger, from the 31st January last, in the room of John Nowlan,  deceased.

Goulburn PlainsMalcolm Livingston, per Asia, holding a Ticket-of-Leave, to be Constable, from the 25th ultimo, in the room of John Price, resigned.










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