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William Thomas PIGGOTT

William Thomas PIGGOTT

New South Wales Police Force

Senior Constable

Stationed at Ivanhoe

Suicide – Firearm

17 September 1888

Buried:  Ivanhoe, NSW.


Senior Constable William Thomas PIGGOTT, stationed at Ivanhoe,  committed suicide by shooting himself with his own private firearm.

Sorry for the delay but here are the photos for William Thomas Piggott, buried in Ivanhoe NSW. The owner has informed me a deal has been struck with the shire and land will be traded to allow a road into the grave site. The fenced off area contains the graves of approximately 9 people which are both marked and unmarked.
Ken Medway Great photos. William Thomas PIGGOTT had two months earlier in July 1888 been involved in the exhumation of a baby on a property that had been murdered by its father. There was no mention of this at all in the reports of the inquest into the S/C death. Poor bastard.

4 February 2014


William Thomas PIGGOTT - Suicide - NSWPF - 1888 - Newspaper

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