Late of Harris Park, NSW
NSW Belmore Barracks Class # ? ? ?
New South Wales Police Force
Regd. # ‘Q‘ 4304
For the purposes of this website ‘Q‘ represents those Police joining between 1 March 1862 ( commencement of NSWPF ) – 23 February 1915 ( Commencement of NSWPF current numbering system )
Service: From 4 December 1882 to ? April 1906 = 24+ years Service in NSW & then whatever time he Serving with the Irish Constabulary
Rank: Was a member of the Irish Constabulary prior to emigrating to Australia in ? ? ?
Probationary Constable- appointed Monday 4 December 1882
Constable – appointed ? ? ?
Constable 1st Class – appointed ? ? ?
Detective – appointed ? ? ? ( NO )
Senior Constable – appointed ? ? ?
Final Rank = Constable
Stations: Kiama ( Illawarra )( 1884 ), ?, O.I.C. Moss Vale ( 10 August 1891 – 25 May 1894 ), Parramatta ( 18 Division )( 26 May 1894 – April? 1906 ) – Death
Retirement / Leaving age: = 50 – 51
Time in Retirement from Police: a few weeks
Awards: No Find on Australian Honours system
Born: ? ? 1856 in Ireland
Died on: Saturday 26 May 1906 during the evening
Age: 50 – 51
Cause: Heart failure
Event location: Harris Park, NSW
Event date: ?
Funeral date: Monday 28 May 1906
Funeral location: Graveside
Funeral Parlour:
Buried at: Church of England Cemetery, Rookwood, NSW
Grave Location: Zone C, Section 05, Grave 785
Memorial / Plaque / Monument located at: ?
Dedication date of Memorial / Plaque / Monument: Nil – at this time ( November 2021 )

WILLIAM is NOT mentioned on the Police Wall of Remembrance *NEED MORE INFO
May they forever Rest In Peace
Australian Police YouTube Channel
Scrutineer and Berrima District Press (NSW : 1892 – 1948), Wednesday 30 May 1906, page 2
Death of Constable Carpenter.
The death of Constable William Carpenter, who was in charge of the Moss Vale police station from August 10, 1891, to May 25, 1894, and was then transferred to Parramatta, took place at the latter town on Saturday last after a long illness.
After recovering from a severe attack of pneumonia he was retired as unfit for further service.
A few weeks later he was again taken ill with an affection of the heart and from that attack never recovered.
He had been in the service about 30 years and was a most efficient officer and highly respected by all who knew him.
He was twice married, his first wife and their child predeceasing him nearly twelve years, their remains being laid to rest at Bowral.
He married again, and leaves a wife and eight-year-old son to mourn their loss.
He was a brother-in-law to Mr. H. Jervis, Moss Vale.
Deceased’s remains were interred in the Church of England cemetery at Rookwood on Monday last.
Cumberland Argus and Fruit growers Advocate (Parramatta, NSW : 1888 – 1950), Wednesday 30 May 1906, page 2
Constable Wm. Carpenter ( for really he died in harness, though the authorities regarded the matter, technically, in a different light ) passed away on Saturday evening.
A few weeks ago he appeared to make a rally from the effects of his serious attack of illness ; but matters took a fatal turn a few days later, and then the end came, somewhat suddenly.
The funeral, which was largely attended, took place on Monday afternoon, the Rev. H. F. L. Palmer reading the Burial Service at the graveside at the Necropolis, Rookwood, and Mr. Ralph Metcalfe having charge of the funeral arrangements.
The clergyman took the opportunity afforded by the presence of scores of men ( some of whom, by the nature of their occupations, have but limited opportunities of attending public worship regularly ) to say a few earnest and solemn words suited to the occasion, referring to the opportunities afforded during this life of doing some good and thus ” rising ( through Christ ) to the life eternal. ” Mr. Palmer referred in a few affectionately-toned words to the gentleness and patience and valour, in suffering, of the comrade there departed, whose career and character had won him such universal respect and esteem in all the districts in which he had lived in Australia. Among those present at the funeral were : Inspector Grugeon, Dr. Kearney, ex-Sub-Inspector Fowler, Senior-Sergeant Bennett, Sergeant Nies, Mr. T. R. Moxham, Messrs. C. E. Byrnes, A. Holmes, Alderman Telfer, Messrs. G. H. Mobbs, J. Ridal, W. Board, W. Moxham, West Harkins, Smith, Robertson, R. Yates, Gimbert, Eddie, Allison, Qrr, Mortimer, Denman, Campbell, Williamson, Gill, Rafter, Overton, Gilchrist. Mahony, Senior-Constable Noble ( an old friend, from Wollongong ). Mr. Trelford ( special constable, Minmi, who had served with the deceased in the Irish constabulary in the old country ), Messrs. Clarke, Travers, Poole, Williams, Draper, Beattie, Byers, Trevillian, Grigor, Black, Lowe, Bolton, Kenny, Monks, Yates, Montgomery, J. Newling, Perry, Baker, W. O’Brien, Barker, S. Hill, Shute, Harvey, Miller, W. and K. Garland, Nagle, Brown, Fleming, T. Bray, Dawes, Wagner, Byers. Beautiful wreaths were laid upon the coffin, among them being those from Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Byrnes, Nurse Slattery, the Misses Ambridge, Mr. and Mrs. Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Barker, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gimbort, Mr. and Mrs. Monks, Mr. J. Vincent and family, Mrs. Howe and family, Mr. and Mrs. Low and family, Mr. and Mrs. W. Garland, Mr. and Mrs. Bolton.
Kiama Independent, and Shoalhaven Advertiser (NSW : 1863 – 1947), Friday 8 February 1884, page 2
Before H. Connell, and J. H. Caird Js P. Petty Larceny.- Christina Linklater, who appeared before the court with an infant in her arms, with which she had been incarcerated since the previous night, was charged with stealing a saddle the property of one William Goodwin, who valued it at 5s.
Constable William Carpenter, being sworn, stated that he apprehended the prisoner between 11 and 12 o’clock on Wednesday night, and charged her with stealing a saddle ( produced ) from a horse’s back in Tory’s Yard.
She said she knew nothing about it ; he believed her to be under the influence of drink at the time ; he took her to the lock-up with her baby in her arms ; he believed she had five children at home with no one to look after them. Prisoner elected to be dealt with summarily, and was ordered to be imprisoned in the Kiama lock-up for 24 hours.
Nothing further, than what is recorded above, is known about this person at the time of publication and further information and photos would be appreciated.
22 November 2021