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Trevor William DODDS

Trevor William DODDS

New South Wales Police Force

Joined NSW Police via the NSW Police Cadet System on 15 November 1943

Cadet #  423

Regd. #  ?

Rank:  Joined NSW Police Cadets – 15 November 1943

Probationary Constable – appointed  12 November 1946

Constable 1st Class – death

Stations:  Yass, Goulburn S.T.P.

ServiceFrom 15 November 1943 to 16 May 1957 = 13+ years Service

Awards? No find on It’s an honour

Born? ? 1925

Died on:  Thursday  16 May 1957

Cause:  Motor Vehicle Accident – motor cycle

Location:  Hume Hwy, Paddy’s River, Nth Marulan

Age:  31

Funeral date:  Friday  17 May 1957

Funeral location:  St Saviour’s Cathedral, Goulburn

Buried at:  Cremated at Nth Sydney Crematorium on Saturday  18 May 1957.  Ashes scattered at Northern Suburbs Memorial Gardens.

 [alert_green]TREVOR is mentioned on the Police Wall of Remembrance[/alert_green]


On 16 May, 1957 Constable Dodds was riding a Police Special Traffic Patrol solo motor cycle from Goulburn to Bowral Court. On the Hume Highway at Paddy’s River, just north of Marulan, the cycle hit a patch of oil and water, skidded and left the roadway, colliding with trees. As a result the constable sustained fatal injuries.


The constable was born in 1925, joined the New South Wales Police Force as a cadet on 15 November, 1943 and was sworn in on 12 November, 1946. At the time of his death he was stationed at Goulburn.


L-R: Kevin McMahon, Trevor Dodds, standing ?, Kevin Stewart, Ron Gardener, standing ?. Goulburn Evening Post. possibly near Goulburn Gasworks
L-R: Kevin McMahon, Trevor Dodds, standing ?, Kevin Stewart, Ron Gardener, standing ?.
Goulburn Evening Post. possibly near Goulburn Gasworks



The Canberra Times    17 May, 1957


A young Goulburn traffic constable was killed instantly yesterday morning when he was thrown from his motor cycle on the Hume Highway near Paddy’s River. He was Trevor William Dodds, 31, a first class constable with the Traffic Department. He leaves a widow and four-month-old son. Police believe Dodds’ cycle skidded on a patch of oil and water on the road. The cycle struck a guidepost, throwing the rider, who died from severe head injuries. He was on his way to court at Bowral when the accident occurred.

Goulburn police said Constable Dodds was one of the best-known police men in the Southern Districts. He had been at Goulburn since 1949, and earlier had served for some years at Yass. He had been in the force since 1943.


 the Canberra Times     Saturday  18 May 1957     page 14 of 16

Crowds Witness Policeman’s Funeral March

Crowds of Goulburn people lined Auburn Street yesterday to watch the funeral procession for a young Goulburn police motor cyclist, who was killed on Thursday.

First Class Constable Trevor William Dodds, 31, will be cremated at the North Sydney Crematorium to-day.

He was killed when his motor cycle skidded and crashed on the Hume Highway on Thursday.

Conducting the funeral service in St. Saviour’s Cathedral, the Very Rev. D. King said that Constable Dodds had given his life in service to the community.

Among police represented was Inspector J. Courtney,  who accompanied a party of eight Canberra policemen. Sgt, H. Luton represented the A.C.T. Police Association.

The chief of the Police Safety Bureau, Inspector J. Agnew, was present at the funeral.




Goulburn Evening Post     Monday  6 March 1950     page 5 of 8

Insulting Words Bring Fine Kezsel Webb was fined £4 in the Goulburn Court of Petty Sessions this morning for using insulting words to Constable Trevor William Dodds, of Goulburn Police.

Mr. A. J. Paton, S. M., was told that in answer to a complaint, Constable Dodds had visited a hotel and found Webb, who was under the influence, trying to buy liquor.

Constable Dodds told him that he would not be able to buy any more liquor. On the footpath outside the the hotel, Webb had used insulting words. A slip of paper with the words allegedly used written on it was handed to Mr. Paton. Webb pleaded guilty. He was allowed seven days to pay.





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  1. My father whom was an inspector for the department of main roads, knew Trevor Dodds & spoke well of him. My father would weigh trucks & if he encountered any rogue truck drivers, a quick call to Trevor would ensure a quick resolution.

  2. Trevor Dodds was my dad’s cousin.
    I remember being told of Trevor’s death
    as a 13 year old in 1957.

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