Susan Olivia BAILEY
Susan Olivia BAILEY
AKA Bails
Late of ?
Queensland Police Force
Regd. # 4026013
Rank: Senior Constable
Final Rank = Senior Constable
Stations: ?, Fortitude Valley, Mt Ommaney ( Oxley District ) – Death
Service: From ? ? ? to 21 August 2018 = ? years Service
Awards: No Find on It’s An Honour
Born: Sunday 23 November 1980
Died on: Tuesday 21 August 2018
Age: 37
Cause: Depression ( from a relationship breakdown ) – Suicide – ( Method ? )
Event location: ?
Event date: Tuesday 21 August 2018
Funeral date: Friday 31 August 2018 @ 2pm
Funeral location: Mt Gravatt Cemetery & Crematorium, 582 Mains Rd, MacGregor, Qld
Wake location: ?
Funeral Parlour: White Lady Funerals – Chelmer, Qld 07 32782590
Buried at: Cremated
Memorial located at: ?

SUSAN is NOT mentioned on the Police Wall of Remembrance *NEED MORE INFO
Funeral location: [codepeople-post-map]
May they forever Rest In Peace
RIP Senior Constable Susan Olivia Bailey????
Ladies and Gents,
Senior Constable Susan Olivia Bailey 4026013.
At the time of her passing, Susan was attached to Mt Ommaney Station but prior to that, she was a long-serving member of the Fortitude Valley Police family. It has been said that Susan’s smile could light up a room…
On Tuesday 21 August 2018, Susan tragically took her own life. It’s not for us to judge how or why Susan took this path, but it’s probably fair to say right at the end she felt alone.
Sadly, this could not have been further from the truth as attested by the outpouring of love demonstrated in the comments subsequent to our earlier post, but in these situations (and there have been just too many), feelings of being alone, forsaken, isolated, forlorn and abandoned are all too common.
It is incumbent on each and every one of us to do everything in our power to ensure that our friends, our colleagues, OUR blue family members are not left to feel this way. It is up to us to take some time out of our own busy schedules to check on our mates and if required, firmly and unequivocally intervene.
It’s heartbreaking to think that in 2018, in an ever shrinking world being as connected as it ever was, that a feeling of being ‘alone’ can yield such catastrophic results time and time again.
In the meantime, we stand shoulder to shoulder with our Police brethren in their grief. In time we will celebrate how Susan lived rather than how she died.
BLUE HOPE stands ready.
All information supplied from BLUE HOPE
Lifeline on 13 11 14.
*Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467.
*MensLine Australia 1300 78 99 78.