Scott Andrew NICHOLSON
Scott Andrew NICHOLSON
New South Wales Police Force – Resigned
Regd. # 20237
Redfern Police Academy Class 182 B
Rank: Probationary Constable – appointed 28 May 1982
Constable 1st Class – appointed 28 May 1987
Detectives Training Course 28/ 20 May – 28 June 1991
Senior Constable – level 9 upon Resignation
“possibly” Acting Detective Sergeant – Resigned
After resignation ( due to PTSD ) Scott was a Ranger with Liverpool Council until his death
Stations: Campbelltown ( 1980’s ), Camden,
Bulga, Fraud Squad, Child Mistreatment Unit
Service: From ? February 1982 to ? ? 1996 = 13 years Service
Awards: No find on It’s An Honour
Illness: – PTSD – Suicide – carbon monoxide gassing in vehicle
Born: 4 April 1959
Died: 14 November 1996
Age: 37 old
Funeral: Leppington Lawn Cemetery
Funeral date: ? ? ?
Buried at: Cremated & Resting in the Fountain Garden, Nicholson plot,
Location: Beside Cafe Pagona Area
Section: Gazebo 3 bed 3
Lat/Lng: -33.95538, 150.83279

I was once a Policeman,
I served you for years,
I saw so much pain,
It reduced me to tears.
I saved many lives,
Did the best I could do,
I served with distinction,
All to protect you.
Year after year,
Without self regard,
I lived for the job,
No matter how hard.
The toll it was taking,
Eventually broke through,
My brain now was broken,
I did not know what to do.
I keep telling myself,
It will get better in time,
Just keep pushing yourself,
All will be fine.
But it did not get better,
It only got worse,
The trauma I suffered,
Became my own curse.
It brought to an end,
The job that I live,
I can’t do this anymore,
No more I could give.
The pain did not stop,
In fact it just grew,
The demons took over,
I did not know what to do.
I was empty inside,
Lost and in pain,
I tried to fight on,
But I could no longer remain.
The trauma had won,
I saw no other way,
So I took my own life,
On a cool summer day.
It was because of Policing,
You all know it’s true,
It destroyed who I was,
From the things I went through.
The trauma of death,
Seen hundreds of times,
The witnessing of evil,
The wickedest of crimes.
Yet now I’m forgotten,
By the job I died for,
Even though I gave my all,
After everything I saw.
If I had died on duty,
Answering the same call,
You would all see my name,
My name on the wall.
I was still on duty,
I just could not let go,
I was still a Policeman,
My brain made it so…..
Written 12.2.15.

[alert_red]Scott is NOT mentioned on the Police Wall of Remembrance[/alert_red] * BUT SHOULD BE
SCOTT ( as of 2017 ) IS mentioned on the NSW Police Wall of Remembrance
SCOTT ( as of March 2019 ) IS NOT mentioned on the NATIONAL Police Wall of Remembrance – Canberra * BUT SHOULD BE
* Stemming from the continued work of the wives & parents of four Fallen NSW Police to Suicide – those four names will now be included in the newly refurbished NSW Police Wall of Remembrance, Sydney, as of 2017
Congratulations to those family members who fought the fight to right this wrong.
Police Officer Suicide Should Be Included on The Wall Of Remembrance added 4 new photos — feeling accomplished.
Commissioner Scipione has telephoned each of us today to advise that our loved ones names are being added to the replacement NSW Police Force Wall of Remembrance, to be unveiled in the next few weeks.
We would like to thank everyone who has offered support over a long and difficult journey and truly hope this sets a precedent for all police departments, not only in Australia but the global policing community.
It is so very important to remember that policing can and often does have a detrimental effect on those who serve.
We believe that the inclusion of suicide deaths, stemming from a work related psychological injury, is the most compassionate way of showing that the police hierarchy truly cares.
The following names will be added:
Detective Sergeant Ashley Bryant
Sergeant Tom Galvin
Senior Constable Scott Nicholson
Constable Morgan Hill
Scott was a member of the New South Wales Police Force for 13 years and, suffering from the effects of PTSD ( Post Traumatic Stress Disorder ) took his own life on the 14 November 1996 by gassing himself in a car and leaving behind two children, aged 6 & 9 ( at the time ) and a wife.
Scott worked at various stations such as Campbelltown in the 1980’s, Camden and the One Man station at Bulga before leaving the Police Force and gaining employment as a Ranger with Liverpool Council.
[blockquote]Hi my name’s Lisa Nicholson and my father is Scott Nicholson. They say we are one big police family and we look after our own yet they don’t even care to see the damage there doing. My dad suicided when I was just 6 years old he was my world my life my everything. The day he died my world fell apart and the older I got the harder it hit me. I suffered and battled countless years of depression, I was raped and beat as a child and teenager and I had the balls to follow this through with court. But, tragically, all of this led to many suicide attempts.
Thankfully my dad had my back though I actually believed the world was so awful and painful that I belonged with my dad. I had a very hard time seeing other officers thinking that’s my dad he is as good a officer as you, yet why is he not remembered!??
He was so proud to be an officer and truly lived through his work right to the end! The end that the line of work he did helped drive him too!!! He worked his ass off to get the respect and acknowledgement that he gained and I’ve always been so proud to say that my daddy was a police officer!! Yet here these ass wipes are claiming that everything my father worked for his whole life everything he believed in and followed isn’t recognised. They claim that we’re one big family and in truth it has felt like that thanks to police legacy but then there’s the fact that I’ve got to, every single day, deal with the emotional grief that I will never see my daddy again and then there’s the fact that the man I love so much and am so proud to say he was an officer will never meet my daughter and my daughter will never meet her grandfather and that, in itself, has me pretty low but on top of all that these guys wanna destroy me; even more, give me no choice and take whatever is left in me to fight to have my daddy’s name on the police Remembrance wall; a wall that all our fallen officers are on, all except the ones who took things into there own hands. We’re one big family yet not only has their line of work taken my father and my daughters grandfather but they wanna take everything that I’ve left because they won’t respect what they’d say “one of our own” my dad deserves that respect and so do so many others and again they say we’re one big family but can they even see that their own choices, actions are killing us even more!!!!
I know I’m not the only one but I can only speak on behalf of myself. I wanna know why?? my daddy, the man that the only image I can recall is of him in his uniform, the man who tragically lost his life, the man who they claim death is not tragic enough to be remembered. Why??? I wanna know why?? my dad’s dead the same as officers who’ve died in the line of duty. Dead not coming back; he died from the pain and suffering from his job and they die in the line of duty but they’re telling me my dad’s death isn’t good enough or tragic enough.
No wonder half the population have lost faith in these guys. I will continue to support and stand tall and for as long as I can with everyone else and I won’t ever stop speaking out.
Your secret is no longer!
He will be remembered.
Thank you for reading my story. Please like and share this around. The more this gets around the more I hope will get in their face and finally remember all our lost men and women.
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