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Raymond Vincent HURTZ

Raymond Vincent HURTZ

New South Wales Police Force

Regd. #  ?

Sergeant – Former

Stationed:  Newcastle, Wallsend, Gloucester, Charlestown, Adamstown,

Killed – struck by motor vehicle

Gateshead, Newcastle

Died  21 May 1972

66 old

Funeral  ?



The Canberra Times ( ACT )  Monday  22 May 1972  page 3 of 17

Eleven killed on roads

SYDNEY, Sunday. —

Eleven people have died on NSW roads this weekend bringing the State’s   road toll for the year to 379.

A former police sergeant was killed when struck by a car in Gateshead, Newcastle, yesterday.

He was Mr R. J. Hurtz, 66, who was struck by a car.





The Sydney Morning Herald  Monday   Thursday  20 February 1930  page 12 of 20


Police Evidence.


WALLSEND, Wednesday.

The cases in which 73 men are charged with continuing in an unlawful assembly at Ashtonfields Colliery on the morning of January 10 were further heard by Mr. Reed, Acting S.M., to-day.

It had been expected that the men who were stripped and otherwise assaulted during the picketing of Ashtonfields would be in the witness-box this afternoon, but police evidence corroborating the account of the affair given by Inspector Graham took up the whole of the day.

The Court will resume at 9 a.m. to-morrow, and it is expected to complete the cases before the end of the week.


Constable Raymond Vincent Hurtz said that when extra police arrived at the colliery shortly after 9 a.m. they were hooted and jeered at by about 300 men. Many logs had been placed across the roadway. The crowd did not leave till 11 a.m.

Plainclothes Sergeant George Emmett said that when the men arrived at the colliery along the railway line defendant James Dorrington was at the head of them. The men were saying, “We’ll get some of these scabs,” and similar things. About 7 a.m. he saw a sulky and harness burning, and several youths throwing sticks on the flames.

Witness identified certain of the defendants as men he had seen among the crowd. One of the policemen, he said, was surrounded because the men thought he was a newspaper reporter. They said they would not have any reporters about except their own men.

Sergeant John Marsh Ravelll said that he heard one man in the crowd say, “I would take any of those-on.”

Sergeant William Wood said that some of the men entered the engine-room of the colliery, and it was very difficult to get them out. Later men were calling out, “Bring the —– out, and we will give them what we gave the 16 back in the bush.” Some of the men insisted that police cars had been brought into the colliery to take non-union labourers away, and there was a rush of men towards the tunnel. Witness heard some men calling out, “Lulu, you lazy —-; you never worked when you were a wheeler;” and “You black —–,” to Constable Humphries.


Sergeant A. A. J. Wilmott said that the crowd at one time appeared to intend going down the mine tunnel after the non-union labourers. No non-union labourers were there at the time, and witness advised a man, who appeared to be leading the crowd, not to let them go down, and they did not. While the crowd was there a fire occurred at the tunnel entrance, which witness regarded very   seriously. Pit props were destroyed, and there was a chance that the flames would sweep into the tunnel itself.

Sergeant Jackson, of Maitland, said that after the crowd arrived at the mine he found a number of men around a hut in the bush. They claimed that there were two non-unionists in the hut, but a constable prevented   them from entering. When the men went away a fire was discovered outside one of the walls of the hut. He had later to escort two of the Ashtonfields employees to safety. About half a mile on the way to East Maitland he was met by several hundred men, who called out, “Give us that ginger-whiskered   scabby old —-,” and tore clothing from a man named Burrows before witness could bring them to order.

Constable William C. Marr said that two distinct fires were lighted outside the bush hut.

Constable W. E. McAlpine said that about midnight on the eve of the picketing he saw the defendant, M. Hill, march more than 100 men out of West Wallsend in the direction of Minmi.

Mr. W. V. W. Thompson, of the Crown Law Office, appeared for the prosecution, and Mr. Warland, of Messrs. Reid and Reid, Newcastle, for the defendants.





The Sydney Morning Herald  Monday  7 July 1947  page 1 of 16


Seaman Stabbed

NEWCASTLE, Sunday. Sergeant C. Hall, of Newcastle police, to-day shot a member of the crew of the Fort Romane in the left hand and left thigh after another member of the crew had been stabbed with a knife.

The seaman stabbed was William Gow, 29. He was admitted to hospital suffering from punctured wounds in the back and right thigh.

Police say that, after the stabbing, the seaman with the knife took refuge in a cabin. The ship’s master, Captain Birge, then called the police.

Sergeant Hall and Constable R. Hurtz arrived, and called to the seaman to come out of the cabin, but he refused.

When the police opened the door the seaman is alleged to have rushed at them with a knife in his hand.

Sergeant Hall fired once, and the bullet passed through the seaman’s left hand and left thigh.

Sergeant Hall and Constable Hurtz then grappled with the seaman and wrested the knife from him. The seaman was admitted to hospital and, under police guard, received treatment for his wounds.

Later, a man was charged at Newcastle Police Station.





Newcastle Morning Herald and Miner’s Advocate  Thursday  14 October 1948  page 2 of 6

Police Promotions SYDNEY, Wednesday.– The Police Department to-night announced the following promotions  Senior constable to be sergeant third class: R. V. Hurtz (Newcastle),





Newcastle Morning Herald and Miner’s Advocate   Tuesday  15 March 1949  page 3 of 6

POLICE TRANSFERS The following transfers of police in the North-eastern Division have been notified: Sergeant R. V. Hurtz, from Newcastle to Officer-in-Charge at Charlestown;





Newcastle Morning Herald and Miner’s Advocate  Wednesday  1 April 1953  page 8 of 12

 £10 FINE FOR MILK THEFT Richard Charles St. John, 18, labourer, was fined £10 at Belmont Court yesterday for having stolen three bottles of milk, valued at 2/9, the property of Robert Aspinall, at Charlestown on Sunday. Mr. T. H. D. See, S.M., told St. John, who pleaded “Guilty.” that he took a serious view of the offence.

Sergeant Hurtz, of Charlestown, said that about 7.30 a.m. on Sunday St. John drove his car in Griffith-street, Charlestown, and a younger person got out of the car and took the milk from Aspinall’s residence. A man called out and the one who took the milk jumped into the car, which St. John drove off quickly.

In the past three weeks 41 pints of milk had been stolen in the area, Sergeant Hurtz said.





Newcastle Morning Herald and Miner’s Advocate  Tuesday  2 February 1954  page 2 of 8

Stolen Safes In Bush A man exercising trotting horses at Whitebridge yesterday morning saw an office safe in the bush and some papers burning inside it.

Police found the safe had been taken from the Whitebridge railway station. It contained a small sum of money and documents. The money was missing when the safe was found and the documents were on fire.

Another safe containing about £83 which was taken from the Co-operative Butchery. Pacific Highway, Charlestown,   at the week-end was found intact near the premises yesterday morning.

Detective Sergeant Pollock, Detective Pratt and Constable Morris, of the Scientific Section, with Sergeant Hurtz and Constable Luxford, of Charlestown, are inquiring.





Newcastle Morning Herald and Miner’s Advocate  Tuesday  23 March 1954  page 6 of 10

NEWCASTLE COURT BEFORE MR L. E STAPLETON, S.M.   ASSAULTED POLICEMAN. – Charles Redman, 45 miner, was fined £20 for having assaulted Sergeant R. V. Hurtz at Charlestown on Saturday, and £5 on each of three further charges of having behaved offensively, having resisted Sergeant Hurtz in the course of his duty, and having used indecent language.

Sergeant Hurtz said that about 6.15 pm.. he had seen Redman in the hall of the Charlestown Hotel. He had called out: Come on gentlemen.”  Redman had replied: “It’s you, you mug. I’ll go when I like.”

Hurtz said he had taken Redman out to the footpath. Redman had shaped up and swung a punch at him. He had caught hold of Redman, who had struggled violently. He had got Redman   to the vicinity of his motor-cycle outfit, but Redman had broken away.

Hurtz said: “I got into holts with him and we both fell to the footpath. He kicked me on the knee.” Hurtz said Redman had been drinking.” He added: “I had him up once here in another case and he’s had it in for me ever since.” Redman said he could not remember what happened.





The Sydney Morning Herald  Saturday  3 July 1954  page 16 of 52

Policemen Given Grade lift

The Commissioner of Police, Mr. C J. Delaney, today announced the following promotions of members of the New South Wales Police Force.

Sergeant 3rd Class to Sergeant 2nd  (Detective-Sergeant 2nd Class) Hurtz, R, V Charlestown :





The Argus ( Melbourne )  Saturday  13 August 1955  page 3 of 42

You wouldn’t do it to a dog – but HE did

SYDNEY, Friday: A motorist who dumped an injured dog in the bush after running over it will have to pay £21/4/ for cruelty.

The motorist, Richard Charles St. John, of Lambton rd., Charlestown, was fined £15 and ordered to pay £6/4/ costs on a charge of having cruelly ill-treated the dog.

Mrs. Wilhemina Howard, of Kahibah, said that she saw a man leave a car and carry a yelping fox terrier in a bag across the road and throw it into a gully.

She took the number of the car.

Her husband recovered the dog and took it to a vet.

It had a broken foreleg and other injuries.

Sergeant Hurtz of Charlestown, said St. John had admitted that his car had struck the dog.

St. John failed to appear.




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