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Neville Charles PARKER

Senior Constable Neville Charles PARKER

Regd. # 9606

Age:  34

Motor Vehicle Accident

Sans Souci

12 November, 1972


About 11am on 23 October, 1972 Senior Constable Parker was driving a Police Special Traffic Patrol vehicle in Rocky Point Road, Sans Souci. Near Fraters Avenue the vehicle hit a wet, greasy patch on the roadway, skidded and collided with a light pole. As a result Senior Constable Parker sustained severe internal injuries. He was conveyed to the Sutherland District Hospital where he died on 12 November, 1972.


The constable was born in 1937 and joined the New South Wales Police Force on 29 February, 1960. At the time of his death he was stationed at Sutherland.

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