Morgan James HILL
Morgan James HILL
New South Wales Police Force
Goulburn Police Academy Class # ???
Regd. # 40683
Rank: Commenced Training at Goulburn Police Academy on ? ? ?
Probationary Constable – appointed ? ? ?
Constable – appointed ? ? ?
Constable 1st Class – appointed ? ? ?
Final Rank: Constable 1st Class
Stations: Waverley
Awards: Commissioner’s Unit Citation for actions on Sunday 11 December 2005
Service: From 29 April 2005 to 27 March 2009 = 3+ years Service
Born: Tuesday 25 January 1983
Died: Friday 27 March 2009
Age: 26 years, 2 months, 2 days old
Cause: Severe PTSD – Suicide – self inflicted gunshot wound, with Service Glock, at Fishermans Rd, Malabar
Funeral date: Thursday 2 April 2009
Funeral location: Our Lady of Sacred Heart Church, 193 Avoca St, Randwick
Grave location: Ashes Interned at Botany Cemetery on 25 January 2010
RC6 – Roman Catholic FM 6 – 560
Morgan commenced his shift at Waverley Police Station at 8pm on the evening of 27 March 2009.
At 8.39pm, at Fisherman’s Road, Malabar, in his private vehicle, Morgan ended his life whilst suffering severe depression induced by the effects of anti-depressant medication he had been prescribed.
Morgan was born on 25 January 1983 and joined the New South Wales Police Force on 29 April, 2005.
He was 26 years of age at the time of his death by suicide and stationed at Waverley, Eastern Suburbs Local Area Command.
Morgan is NOT mentioned on the Police Wall of Remembrance But Should be
MORGAN ( as of 2017 ) IS mentioned on the NSW Police Wall of Remembrance
* Stemming from the continued work of the wives of four Fallen NSW Police to Suicide – those four names will now be included in the newly refurbished NSW Police Wall of Remembrance, Sydney, as of 2017
Congratulations to those family members who fought the fight to right this wrong.
Police Officer Suicide Should Be Included on The Wall Of Remembrance added 4 new photos — feeling accomplished.
Commissioner Scipione has telephoned each of us today to advise that our loved ones names are being added to the replacement NSW Police Force Wall of Remembrance, to be unveiled in the next few weeks.
We would like to thank everyone who has offered support over a long and difficult journey and truly hope this sets a precedent for all police departments, not only in Australia but the global policing community.
It is so very important to remember that policing can and often does have a detrimental effect on those who serve.
We believe that the inclusion of suicide deaths, stemming from a work related psychological injury, is the most compassionate way of showing that the police hierarchy truly cares.
The following names will be added:
Detective Sergeant Ashley Bryant
Sergeant Tom Galvin
Senior Constable Scott Nicholson
Constable Morgan Hill
7 years ago this Easter Sunday, on 27 March, we lost our only brother and son, Morgan Hill. He took his life on duty that night. I would never wish this type of grief on another family. What has made it worse than losing Morgan though is being subjected to the stigma attached to suicide. With every year that goes by this is reinforced by NSW Police that Morgan’s death (and many before and since) are not worthy of the respect they deserve, because of HOW they died. But…we will continue to highlight this injustice and the shame is not on Morgan or our family…it is actually on YOU – the high ranking officials of the NSW Police Force – and leaders of any Force – that perpetuates this stigma by specifically excluding them from your Wall of Remembrance!
Constable Morgan James HILL – Suicide – 27 March 2009 – Coroners report – 9 Sept 2011
The response, from the Commissioner of Police, to the above Coroners report:
On 2 April 2012, Police Commissioner AP Scipione APM advised the Coroner as follows:
“The NSW Police Force established a Self Harm Prevention Advisory Panel (the Panel) in 2010, following a recommendation of the Deputy State Coroner Dillon in 2009 arising from the death of Sgt Ian Muir. The role of the Panel was recently reviewed and amendments are currently being made to its charter to oversight the NSW Police Force response to Recommendations in all coronial matters involving self-harm by police officers.”
In Loving Memory of Officer Morgan Hill, Australia, 2009
Morgans Hill
Twenty six years old that day
the sun refused to shine.
On a back street in Australia
in the year two thousand nine.
Haunted by his killer
named PTSD.
He longed just for peace of mind
he longed to just be free.
He told them of the pain inside
it hurt too much to bear.
They put him on restricted duty
to show how much they care.
They followed their procedure
and showed him what they think.
He could return to work again
once cleared by their shrink.
Just a short time later
from all he had endured.
Glory hallelujah
the shrink said he was cured.
Just four short days later
he could not bear the load.
He parked his car in silence
just right off the road.
He should have been dreaming dreams
of children or a wife.
The sun moved quietly behind the clouds
and Morgan took his life.
The bright eyed little boy they knew
his sisters there were four.
Left with such an emptiness
not like it was before.
So they do the best they can
they loved him like no other.
But not a day passes by
they don’t think about their brother.
I’d just like to say that it’s my hope sometime down the road after Code Nine has met with much success and people are being helped instead of silenced. I hope I never have to write another poem like this again. Because ending stories like this is what they’re all about. Please remember Mr Hills family and friends in prayer and ask that they be comforted by the memories they treasure. And not haunted by the way his life so suddenly ended. Thanks to all of you for praying. Sincerely Edwin C Hofert
This poem is one of a series of poems written by me for Code Nine Officer Needs Assistance And is intended to honor the fallen officers and their families that are to be featured in the finished documentary. As well as all others.
To learn more about Code Nine and their efforts to fight against PTSD go to…

NSW Police Force
Commissioner’s Unit Citation
Awarded to Constable Morgan Hill
Awarded for outstanding bravery and devotion to duty as a member of the New South Wales Police Force response to civil disorder within the Miranda, Eastern Beaches, St George, and Campsie Local Area Commands.
On Sunday, 11 December 2005, a protracted public order management policing operation commenced in response to a major civil disorder situation in the Cronulla area. The ensuing violent civil disorder continued in Cronulla and other areas, including Maroubra, Brighton, and Campsie, until Tuesday, 13 December 2005, when the situation was brought under control, with peace and good order restored by members of the Force.
The dedication and devotion to duty rendered by these police who were on the frontline throughout this protracted and dangerous policing response and operation exemplifies the courage, expertise, professionalism and commitment of the New South Wales Police Force.
While protecting members of the community and property from rioters, officers were subjected to various forms of assaults and missile attacks. These members of the Force, many of whom sustained injury, remained steadfast in the performance of their duty.
Constable Hill warrants due recognition for his courage and meritourious service during this period of civil unrest and thus is highly commended.
A P Scipione APM
Commissioner of Police
Dated 18 September 2008 but NOT signed.
‘Despite the above Commendation being dated 18 September 2008 ( 6 months before Morgan’s death ), the Certificate was handed to the family Posthumously on the very same day that they were also handed documentation stating that Morgan was NOT going to be mentioned on the Wall of Police Remembrance due to the fact he suicided.
These documents were not given to the family until late 2010.’
Today Tonight TV programme Channel 7, aired this show on Wednesday 23 July 2014.
The below comments were copied and pasted from the TodayTonightadelaide website on 23 March 2016
- Jean Simpson says: The Government should be looking at a change in the whole health system , to ask the question why are so many young , old , just so many of the population coming down with Depression , (The Back Dog) . Definitely more counselling services. As well as the government ,we should all try to be more considerate , compassionate to all in society , there is so much suffering out there , and so many issues to deal with today than there was a few years ago. Teresa Cranes comments about the corruption , threats and underhanded dealings within the force has been talked about for as long as i can remember. It makes me really sad to see the young adults of today joining the force with all good intent , with a passion to help our society , only to find that they go to work each day fighting against an epidemic of corruption within there own work place. Like Teresa on this page i knew of an elderly Sergeant who has now retired , because he was told to take an early retirement . To find someone in the force that is not corrupt would be a hard task. How does the average person tell who is who anymore? So sorry for the ones that are trying to make this world a better place , for the opinion of a lot of people is that unfortunately they get tarred with the same brush , one can only imagine the affect on the innocent ones , Wow what a fight they have on there hands ! Love and light to all .
- Amanda Schultz says: Teresa Crane you got it spot on! My dad took hi s life in 1981, right in those good old corrupt years! Made a boss aged 32. Took his life aged 37. Left a wife and three daughters. What else do you do when your “boys” are on the take and the bosses buried their heads? I think there needs to be Royal Commissions to make the brass accountable and expose those we know were hypocrites and criminals. SA Police took a good man and destroyed him and his family….we live with it everyday.
- Peter Roberts says: Very interesting story and definitely needs looking into
- Heather Johns says: It’s unfortunate that they aren’t required to debrief or to talk about an issue without being labelled. It is not just police, fire, ambos, we see it a huge amount in defence too. Why can’t we remove the stigma of PTSD & depression & help those in need as they are helping us? Where is the government funding for more counselling services?
- Ross Beckley says: Great story and thanks for making this public. All emergency service personnel are suffering silently and their organisational management need to start addressing these concerns raised in this story.
- Trevor Hardy says: SAPOL officers need to find themselves a good private psychologist and see them regularly. You can work through problems and if SAPOL are going to continue to sweep the problems under the carpet, then members need to do it for themselves. Or quit. No job in this Universe is worth killing yourself over.
- Jessica Courtney Evans says: Yep…. Someone I’m my family was an officer in nz and took his own life. It’s tragic and awful. They need more support….
- Tanya Eldridge-Tregenza says: It’s no bloody secret it’s been happy for a long time.
- Lynette Millowick says: Missed out on story was working
- Clare Heiss says: Oh poo!! Was really looking forward to seeing it! Thanks for letting us know though!
- Today Tonight Adelaide says: Unfortunately we cannot load the video until it has aired in Perth – at the moment it looks like it may run tomorrow so the video won’t be online until Monday morning
- Berrick Boland says: Today Tonight, rocks.
- Lauren Busbridge says: Same with paramedics!!!!!
- Today Tonight Adelaide says: The video will be uploaded tomorrow
- Clare Heiss says: I can’t find the story in this link @TodayTonight
- Ann Krieg says: PTSD needs to be told and understood. We need to know what and how it happens and to whom. The service men, whether police, or army or navy or air, or whether it is from work and a bad boss or bad experience from an accident, we need to know. 🙂
- Berrick Boland says: The Forgotten 300 Facebook page come on and like us for the families of PTSD and Police suicide victims.
- Anne Heinrich says: Well I am only one of many people I know who admire the police for their kindness and care of those in need, their patience and persistence and tenacious spirit to keep people alive! Maybe if more people told them so (and I include the media) they might feel more appreciated and needed. Don’t give up guys- there are lots of us who think you’re great!
- Sandy McLellan says: I have known many Policeman, but one in particular tells me of the many who simply cannot cope with the ghastly things they have to deal with. We have NO idea how bad it is, very sad. They put their lives on the line for us all the time. Maybe they need much more support on the job and from us, the public.
- Tony Crowley says: They should cover SAPOL . We are not clean either
- John Hirst says: Be good to see it’s getting some publicity and not ‘swept under the carpet’. Lost a few good colleagues from this and there are so many more stepping close to the line with little or no support from the employer. Tony Crowley for your info.
Posted Monday 20 June 2016:
Morgan James Hill:
Deputy State Coroner Mitchell On 9 September 2011 at Glebe and Parramatta
I find that Morgan Hill who was born on 25 January 1983 died at Fishermans Road Malabar NSW at about 8.39 pm on 27 March 2009 of a gunshot wound to the head, self inflicted while suffering severe depression.
That a psychiatrist or psychiatrists be employed in the Health and Well being Unit of Welfare Safety Command or retained so as to ensure qualified psychiatric oversight of all police fitness assessments where mental health or emotional stability are an issue.
2. That appropriate criteria be developed and established to guide and inform police medical officers in assessing the fitness of police officers for various duties within the police force and the fitness of police officers to have possession of a firearm.
3. In particular, that the criteria so developed and established provide that fitness for duty and to carry a firearm is not merely a matter of the absence of a diagnosable psychiatric condition or mental illness.
4. That police medical officer be encouraged to explore with police officers referred by commanders for a fitness assessment the history of that officer and any current or recent medical diagnoses and treatment plan or plans and the identity of that officer’s medical practitioner and to seek the consent of the police officer to that medical practitioner providing appropriate medical information to the police medical officer and that unwillingness to provide that consent be among the matters to be reported to the referring commander.
5. That psychologists assisting in the preparation of fitness assessments be accorded independence from police medical officers.
6. That police medical officer be reminded of the provisions of the Health Records and Information Privacy Act 2002 and, so far as the provision of information to commanding officers is concerned, be encouraged to act in accordance with its terms.
7. That the practice of placing reliance on psychological tests in the preparation of fitness assessments be reviewed by an independent expert.
8. That the freedom of commanding officers to make their decisions as to the removal or restoration of firearms informed by considerations other than those dealt with by police medical officers be encouraged.
9. That commanding officers be reminded of their entitlement to the provision of information pursuant to the Health Records and Information Privacy Act 2002.
10. That consideration be given to the establishment of a mentoring system of young officers by more senior officers with a view to the guidance, support and oversight of the performance of those young officers.
On 2 April 2012, Police Commissioner AP Scipione AMP advised the Coroner as follows:
“The NSW Police Force established a Self Harm Prevention Advisory Panel (the Panel) in 2010, following a recommendation of the Deputy State Coroner Dillon in 2009 arising from the death of Sgt Ian Muir.
The role of the Panel was recently reviewed and amendments are currently being made to its charter to oversight the NSW Police Force response to Recommendations in all coronial matters involving self-harm by police officers.
”Please click here to link to a table which sets out the full Police Force response to the recommendations made by Coroner Mitchell. (Unavailable)
Denise Hodder This is hideous that these precious lives are lost and no one in power seems to care ….?
Clare Heiss I can tell you, as Morgan’s sister, whom attended this inquest for the two weeks duration it ran, that our family have not once heard about any follow up to these recommendations. Furthermore my parents were invited to be on the “self harm committee” when it began, BEFORE the inquest mind you, but attended maybe two meetings and as far as we know either does not exist anymore or is called something else, but either way we have not been asked to continue to be a part of the panel in terms of reviewing the recommendations made by then Coroner Scott Mitchell (now deceased) nor any ongoing consultation as a family who have lost a police officer to suicide.
Barbara June Sounds like a continuing disgrace of the well known…. I am sorry for your families sad sad loss Clare Heiss….
Benyameen Levinstein Total Negligence!
Really feel for your family loss Clare Heiss…
Janet Hill We were invited to present at the inaugural Self Harm Prevention Committee in Dec 2009.
Dimmy Nicholson It’s just mind numbing to think despite these findings your family have not been kept up to date regarding any changes!!!! ???
Dimmy Nicholson Clare Heiss exactly my point!! That’s why no contact because there is no changes 🙁
Kimberley Galvin The panel.. As its called.. Please show me any person who knows who was on it? Or been contacted by the ( panel)
Carolyn Allan Smart ?????????