Michael Anthony RAYMOND - Tony RAYMOND
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Michael Anthony RAYMOND AM

Doctor  Michael Anthony RAYMOND    AM

AKA Tony 

Late of West Pennant Hills, NSW 


New South Wales Police Force – Manager within the Forensic Services Group ( Civilian )

Regd. #  9734950


Final Rank =  Manager


StationsForensic Service Group ( Scientific )

Service:  From ? ? ?   to   ? ? ? ? years Service


Awards:  Member of the Order of Australia  ( AM ) – Granted 26 January 2010

For service to forensic science in the field of law enforcement through the development of technological advances, including blood pattern analysis and DNA-related identification, and through leadership and advisory roles.

Commissioner’s Commendation – for Service ( 2016 / 2017 )


Born? ? ?

Died on:  Sunday  23 August 2020 

Age:  70 years, 

Cause:  Cancer – ( Type ? )

Event location:   ?

Event date ?

Michael Anthony RAYMOND - Tony RAYMOND

Funeral date:  Wednesday  2 September 2020 @ 10am 

Funeral locationMagnolia Chapel, Macquarie Park Cemetery & Crematorium, Plassey Rd, Macquarie Park, NSW

Funeral will be Live Streamed and later uploaded to this Memorial.

( click here to see Cornona19 Virus Pandemic rules – this will be a limited numbers Funeral )

any Future Wake location??? TBA

any Future Wake date??? TBA

( Due to current Govt. restrictions on ‘Gatherings’ due to Corona19 Virus Pandemic, some families may wish to have a Memorial Service / Wake with friends and family at a later date )

Funeral Parlour: ?

Buried at: ?

Memorial / Plaque / Monument located at: ?

Dedication date of Memorial / Plaque / Monument: Nil – at this time ( August 2020 )





May they forever Rest In Peace




Australian Police YouTube Channel


Doctor Michael Anthony RAYMOND AM - Standing on far right.
Doctor Michael Anthony RAYMOND AM – Standing on far right.

Dr “Tony” Raymond has just passed away after a battle with Cancer

Dr Raymond was appointed as the first civilian director of the Forensic Services Group in the late 90s and although “Director” held the equivalent rank of Assistant Commissioner In charge of over 1000 police and civilians.

Tony was responsible for pioneering new forensic techniques in NSW such as Luminol and other chemical techniques seen on shows such as CSI.

He introduced civilians into SOCO positions ( Scene of Crime Officers ) and robotics into DNA laboratories in NSW and introduced Nationally accredited tertiary training for Forensic Crime Scene Examiners.

Tony was also a world recognised Blood Splash Expert and gave evidence in many forums including judicial reviews.

Tony also became NSW police first chief scientist.


Tony’s association in various roles went for around 20 years.


We thank you for your vision, foresight and aid in bringing many, many criminals to justice.










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One Comment

  1. Tony was a top bloke. Despite his esteemed position and role, he was never shy about having a beer with the troops at the Macquarie. I met him a few years prior to his NSWPF appointment when I travelled to Melbourne’s Forensics Laboratory to consult with him on blood splash evidence from a murder I investigated. He insisted he be called just Tony. Didn’t care for ‘Sir’.
    The NSWPF Forensic Services Group (as it was then) became a world-class facility due to your leadership and foresight. RIP.

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