late of Butler, W.A.
Western Australia Police Force
Regd. # 13557
Rank: Senior Constable
Stations: ?
Service: From ? ? 2008? to 27 February 2017 = 9? years Service
Awards: No find on It’s An Honour
Born: 20 January 1978 in Scotland
Died on: Monday 27 February 2017
Age: 39
Cause: Depression – Suicide
Funeral date: Friday 10 March 2017 @ 9am
Funeral location: Western Australia Police Academy, 81 Lakeside Dr, Joondalup, W.A.
Buried at: Private Family Cremation will be held at the PINNAROO West Chapel, Whitfords Ave, Padbury at 12 noon
Memorial at: ?
LISA is NOT mentioned on the Police Wall of Remembrance * BUT SHOULD BE.
LISA is NOT mentioned on the National Police Wall of Remembrance *NEED MORE INFO ( Still doesn’t appear on the National Police Wall of Remembrance as of 25 August 2022 )

Funeral location: [codepeople-post-map]
May they forever Rest In Peace
The Commissioner of Police and all members of the Western Australia Police regret the passing of our colleague, Lisa Cannon Registered Number 13557. Deepest sympathy to all her loved ones.

– See more at:
WA POLICE UNION Members are invited to attend the Funeral Service for our late serving member Lisa Ann CANNON 13557 at the WA Police Academy Chapel on FRIDAY (10.03.2017) at 9.00am.
– See more at:
The Funeral Service to Celebrate the Life of Lisa Ann Cannon of Butler will be held at the Western Australian Police Academy Chapel, Lakeside Dr Joondalup on FRIDAY (10.03.2017) commencing at 9am.A Private Family Cremation will be held at the PINNAROO West Chapel, Whitfords Ave, Padbury at 12 noon.
WANGARA 9409 9119
– See more at:
We recently lost a friend and colleague to suicide because of PTSD. She left her son and partner behind because she did not get the help she required. We owe it to her 11 year old son and for all the other partners, children and family members left behind by the officers who can see no Light at the end of the tunnel except by ending their lives. It has to STOP.
For too long, management of Australian Police Forces have silently accepted horrifically high suicide rates amongst our troops – Disproportionately higher than the Australian population.
We demand a national Coronial enquiry, seeking answers in a State by State basis. We want to learn what are the primary stressors amongst our Police, what is/can be done to minimise this, and greater support services for our Police.
“F*** You SA Police” – this was the last social media post of a SA cop who tragically took his own life just days ago.
“Suicide and bullying are rife within the police force. I’ve served as a cop in SA for 11 years now – I’ve battled first hand the toxic “suck it up princess” internal culture. It’s destroying, and costing lives.”
“I’m proud of my job, for keeping our communities safe from crime. We lock up murderers, protect domestic violence victims, and remove kids from horrific abuse. But what I’m sick of is the bureaucratic crap, intimidation and abuse of power that goes on internally.”
“Stop sweeping the fact police are killing themselves under the carpet. This is too important. My colleagues are dying around me. For too long now, management of Australian Police Forces have silently, knowingly, accepted horrifically high suicide rates amongst our troops – disproportionately higher than the Aussie population.”
I am starting this petition on behalf of myself and colleagues who are seeking an enquiry into the cause of suicides by Police in each Australian State.
We need to learn what the primary stressors are among our Police to then decide how to minimise more tragic deaths from happening.
The ‘Thin Blue Line’ is getting thinner – Please help protect those who protect our community by signing and sharing our petition.
This petition will be delivered to:
- Australian State Coroners
- Federal Minister for Justice
Michael Keenan MP - SA Minister for Police
Peter Malinauskas MLP
- Qld Minister for Police
Mark Ryan MP - NSW Minister for Police
Troy Grant MP - Vic Minister for Police
Lisa Neville MP - ACT Minister for Police
Mick Gentleman MLA - Tas Minister for Police
Rene Hidding MP - NT Minister for Police
Michael Gunner MLA - Minister for Police; Road Safety; Training and Workforce Development; Women’s Interests
Hon. Liza Harvey MLA
The Adam Cannon Benefit Fund
Police Officers everywhere, both past and present, are inevitably bound by a common bond. This linkage, this manacle or shackle… this incredibly wonderful thing that ties us all together, is forged in both adversity and success. It manifests itself in both tragedy and triumph, in sadness and elation.
At the commencement of every shift, our goal is to ultimately make it home at the end of the day. To collectively ensure that our colleagues do the same. In achieving this, we go a long way towards providing the comfort and protection that communities around the world so desperately need.
Since the dawn of time, Police Officers everywhere have rested soundly in the knowledge that should some tragedy befall them, their loved ones will forever be looked after. That the bond with their colleagues, forged with blood, sweat and no shortage of tears will in part be passed onto those left behind.
And so it is in this case.
On 27 February 2017, Senior Constable Lisa Cannon of the Western Australian Police sadly left this world, leaving behind a son, Adam.
We are certain that Adam has been surrounded by love… that he is in no doubt that his mother loved him with her entire heart.
As he grows into a man though, it is vitally important that he is made aware of just how highly his mother was regarded on both sides of the world. As Adam’s Police family, our small part in this is to pass on this legacy.
Please assist us in our endeavours to raise as much money as we can for Adam if only to reinforce to him during this journey that he is not alone in his grief, that Lisa’s extended blue family walks beside him every step of the way.
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