Olympic torch - Sydney 2000
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Gordon George AVERY

Gordon George AVERY

AKA George 

Late of Woonona, formerly of Hurstville, NSW 


Police Training Centre – Redfern  / Police Training College – Penrith  Class #  pre Class numbers.  Class 001 was in February 1947 at Penrith

NSW Police Cadet # 0315

New South Wales Police Force

Regd. #  4704


Rank:  Commenced Training as Police Cadet on 21 April 1941 ( aged 16 years, 2 months, 10 days )

Probationary Constable- appointed 11 September 1945 ( aged 20 years & 7 months )

Constable – appointed ? ? ?

Constable 1st Class – appointed ? ? ? 

Detective – appointed ? ? ?

Senior Constable – appointed ? ? ? 

Sergeant 3rd Class – appointed ? ? ? 

Sergeant 2nd Class – appointed 25 July 1966

Sergeant 1st Class – appointed 1 April 1970

Inspector 3rd Class – appointed 2 April 1974

Inspector 2nd Class – appointed 6 June 1976

Inspector 1st Class – appointed ? ? ?

Senior Inspector – appointed 19 February 1978 

Superintendent – appointed  19 December 1979 18 November 1979

Senior Superintendent – appointed 12 February 1982

Chief Superintendent – appointed 17 September 1982

Does NOT appear in the 1988 or 1989 Stud Books

Final Rank =  Chief Superintendent?


Stations?, Newcastle ( Insp 3/c )( 1975 /1976 ), ?

Service:  From 21 April 1941   to   ? ? Post 1982?  =  41+? years Service


Awards:  National Medal – granted 15 November 1982 ( SenSupt )


Born:  Wednesday  11 February 1925 in Moree, NSW

Died on:  Friday  22 September 2006 

Age:  81 years, 7 months, 11 days


Event location:  Woonona, NSW

Event date ?


Funeral date? September 2006

Funeral location? 

Funeral Parlour: ?

Buried at: Bulli Cemetery, Carrington St, Bulli, NSW

Grave location:  Portion SGn ( Seaview Garden ), Row C, Site 90

Memorial / Plaque / Monument located at: ?

Dedication date of Memorial / Plaque / Monument: Nil – at this time ( October 2020 )


Inscription:In loving Memory of Gordon George AVERY.Loved husband of Gwen, a dear father, pa, and great Grandpa.A great Olympic Athlete11 February 1925 - 22 September 2006At peace with GwenGwendoline Elsie AVERY nee Friedwald was born 18 June 1925, Married ‘ George ‘ in 1947 and passed on 26 July 2006 ( 3 months before Gordon ).  Gwen is also buried at the same location.

 GORDON is NOT mentioned on the Police Wall of Remembrance  *NEED MORE INFO



May they forever Rest In Peace




Australian Police YouTube Channel


Gordon ‘ George ‘ AVERY

Olympic Games, 1948, London, Great Britain

Long Jump – Did not compete

Triple Jump – Position:  2/27   Qual 15.335m; Final 2nd 15.365m

Won the Silver Medal in Triple Jump

National Competition                                        Distance
1947-48 Aust. T & F Long Jump 2 23’1¼”(7.04m)
Triple Jump 1 50’1″(15.26m)
1948-49 Aust. T & F Long Jump 2 23’0½”(7.02m)
Triple Jump 2 48’0½”(14.64m)





Still carrying a torch for the Games

Date: 25/01/2000


A torch aloft. A flickering flame. A solitary runner. For an Olympic movement that has done its level best to dishonour its own stature, what does it say about such an event where three simple symbols can convey as much meaning and emotion as a gold medal?

Since its successful candidature, nearly seven years ago, the 2000 Olympics have been Sydney’s Games. The lighting of the flame in Olympia, Greece, on May 12 will be the single act which converts the Games into a truly national event and celebration of nationhood. Sydney’s Games will, hopefully, become Australia’s Games.

It will be a chance for Sydney, a city that in recent years had become somewhat self-obsessed to the exclusion of the other 15 million Australians – remember them? – to reach out to the rest of the nation.

It will be a rare opportunity, too, for the city to engage with the country and vice-a-versa.

So the torch relay is one of those unique sporting events that manage to surpass sport itself. But, above all, it will be a chance for ordinary Australians to prove how extraordinary they can be.

Nearly four years ago, ordinary Americans took part in the torch relay as it passed through the United States on its way to Atlanta.

The expressions on their faces were a contrast to some of the gold-medal-winning athletes, whose faces were often a portrait of arrogance and domination, especially on the running track where the Olympics go onto what is near enough to a war-footing.

Once participation was enough. Now winning is all. Even the IOC’s elaborate advertising campaign refers to the belief that you don’t win silver, you lose gold.

But the torch relay may be a vestige of the more traditional values of the Games in which participation was paramount.

There is an honesty about the relay that seems to have been lost from the broader event.

Now it’s the turn of Australians like Mr Gordon George Avery, of Bulli, named today as a 2000 torch-bearer. Mr Avery, who turns 75 on February 11, won silver at the 1948 London Olympics in the triple jump.

His thoughts typify the spirit of the relay and the old values of the Games: “The Olympic torch for me is the symbol of the Olympic Games. If you have ever been an Olympian and competed against all these people from other nations you can understand why an Olympian feels like he does.

“We feel like we understand the rest of the world, because we’ve lived and competed on a level playing field with all nations. Often they’re our very best friends without a thought of race, colour or creed.”

John Konrads, an extraordinary Australian whom no ordinary Australian could begrudge carrying the torch, agrees. “The torch is one of the very important elements … it brings the Olympics back to its origins in ancient Greece and relays that heritage to the current Olympic city,” said the 57-year-old who won gold in the 1500m freestyle at the 1960 Rome Games.

“It brings back very fond memories of other Olympic ceremonies I have attended. I will be very proud when I am running with the torch, which will be a permanent souvenir to keep as a family heirloom.”

The organisers like to describe the torch relay as the real start of the Games, but they’re saying so with a degree of desperation now.

The start of the relay can’t come a moment too soon for the IOC and SOCOG, eager to galvanise a jaundiced world and host nation in support of the Olympics.

Even a cynic studying the torch relay’s route around the continent would have to concede that it is brilliantly conceived. It’s a retirees’ blueprint for the ultimate round-Australia trip.

Keep the map. A few of us may choose to use it one day – Mount Isa to Mount Kosciuszko, Broome to Byron Bay, Darwin to Dubbo.

The torch relay is one of the few creations of Nazi Germany that the civilised world has not rejected. Not even the residue of hatred and bitterness from a world war was sufficient for London to abandon the relay at the 1948 Olympics.


[SMH Home]

18 May 2000 – www.smh.com.au/news/0001/25/text/pageone1.html – Trove



Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 – 2001),

Friday 10 September 1976 (No.114), page 3817


Appointment of Members of the Parking Advisory Committee for the City of Newcastle.

HIS Excellency the Governor, with the advice of the Executive Council and in pursuance of section 270d of the Local Government Act, 1919, has been pleased to approve the appointment of Inspector 3rd Class John Victor Waring, Department of Police, vice Inspector 3rd Class Gordon George Avery, as a member of the Parking Advisory Committee for the City of Newcastle, for a period expiring on 22nd January, 1978.


Minister for Planning and Environment.

Sydney, 10th September, 1976. (1259)




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