Garnet Frederick MORTLEY
Garnet Frederick MORTLEY
New South Wales Police Force
Regd. # 6325
Rank: Constable
Stations: Special Traffic Patrol ( S.T.P. ) – North Sydney
Service: From 17 January 1949 to 1 June 1953 =4+ years Service
Awards: ?
Born: ? ? 1928
Event date: 27 May 1953
Event location: ( Old ) Princes Hwy, near Waterfall
Died on: 1 June 1953
Cause: Injuries sustained in a Motor Vehicle Accident
Age: 25
Funeral date: Wednesday 3 June 1953
Funeral location: Methodist Church, Halhousie St, Haberfield @ 11am
Buried at: Cremated at Rookwood Crematorium

Constable Garnet Frederick MORTLEY

On 27 May, 1953 Constable Mortley was riding a Police Special Traffic Patrol solo cycle to Sydney following an escort to the south coast. Whilst travelling along the Princes Highway near Waterfall, the front tyre on the cycle blew out. The constable was thrown to the roadway, sustaining compound fractures and severe head injuries. He was conveyed to the St George District Hospital, where he died five days later.
The constable was born in 1928 and joined the New South Wales Police Force on 17 January, 1949. At the time of his death he was attached to the Special Traffic Patrol, Sydney.
Illawarra Daily Mercury ( Wollongong ) Thursday 28 May 1953 page 1 of 12
Police Motor Cyclist Critically Injured
A Sydney police motor cyclist was critically injured when he lost control of his motor cycle on the Prince’s Highway on the southern side of Waterfall yesterday afternoon.
He got into difficulties on a corner at the bottom of a long hill on his way back to Sydney after escorting two big lorries through to the South Coast.
His cycle swerved and hit a lorry which was travelling in an opposite direction.
The rider was thrown to the side of the road and the motor cycle careered on along the road and crashed into another vehicle travelling in the opposite direction.
The cyclist suffered a compound comminuted fracture of the thigh, a compound comminuted fracture of the elbow, severe head injuries, internal injuries and severe shock. The motor cycle was completely wrecked.
St. George Ambulance rushed him to St. George District Hospital. His condition last night was described as “very low”
The Sydney Morning Herald Tuesday 2 June 1953 page 14 of 42
MORTLEY Garnet Frederick – June 1 1953 at St George Hospital (result of accident), dearly beloved husband of Elaine Estelle and loving father of Christine, aged 25 years.
MORTLEY, Garnet Frederick – June 1 1953 at St George Hospital (result of accident), loved son of Garnet (Dick) and Lillian Mortley and dear grandson of Elsie May and the late Frederick Shettle and Mrs C F and the late Charles Mortley.
MORTLEY Garnet Frederick – June 1 1953 at St George Hospital (result of accident), loved son-in-law of James Clifford and Nellie Evelyn Hay and dear brother-in-law of Evelyn Hay.
MORTLEY – The Relatives and Friends of the late GARNET FREDERICK MORTLEY of 36 Dalmar Street Croydon are invited to attend his Funeral to leave the Methodist Church, Dalhousie Street Haberfield Tomorrow (Wednesday) after service commencing at 11 a m for the Rookwood Crematorium.
237 – 9 Liverpool Road Ashfield
MORTLEY – The Relatives and Friends of Mr and Mrs W. W. Dennis Mr and Mrs C Ingle-Olson, Mr and Mrs H Ingle-Olson, Mr. and Mrs T Shirley, Mr and Mrs J Menzies, Mr. L. Traynor and Families, are invited to attend the Funeral of their loved Nephew and Cousin, GARNET FREDERICK to leave the Methodist Church Haberfield, after service at 11 am Wednesday for Rookwood Crematorium.
The Sydney Morning Herald Wednesday 3 June 1953 page 30 of 31
MORTLEY – Lodge Minimbah No 781 U. G. L. of N S W and Sister Lodges – Officers and Brethren are Invited to attend the Funeral of their late esteemed Bro. GARNET FREDERICK MORTLEY to leave the Methodist church Dalhousie Street Haberfield This Day after service commencing at 11 a m for the Rookwood Crematorium (Regalia ) F S GLOSS, W.M.; A. A. J GREEN Sec.
The Sydney Morning Herald Thursday 16 July 1953 page 5 of 22
Constable’s Death Accidental
The City Coroner, Mr. E. J. Forrest, S.M., yesterday recorded a verdict of accidental death at the inquest on Constable Garnet Frederick Mortley, 25, of Croydon Road, Croydon.
Constable Mortley, who was attached to the Public Safety Bureau, North Sydney, was riding a police motor cycle outfit along Prince’s Highway, near Waterfall, on May 27, when the front tyre burst.
The outfit collided with a lorry and Constable Mortley was thrown to the road. He died from injuries at St. George District Hospital on June 1.
Location of Church Service: [codepeople-post-map]
Residence of Garnet MORTLEY at the time of his death:
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