Edward Henry DILKS
Edward Henry DILKS
New South Wales Police Force
Regd. # 6252
Rank: Constable
Stations: Narrandera, Corowa
Service: From 18 October 1948 to 21 October 1954 = 6 years Service
Awards: ?
Born: ? ? 1926
Died on: 21 October 1954
Cause: Motor Vehicle Accident – ejected
Location of Event: north of the Hopefield Silose, Hopefiled Rd, Corowa
Age: 28
Funeral date: Monday 25 October 1954 @ 3pm
Funeral location: Woronora Crematorium
Buried at: Cremated at Woronora Cemetery

About 5.15pm on 21 October, 1954 Constable Dilks and District Licensing Inspector Sergeant Michael Joseph Whelan were returning to Corowa from an inspection at Brocklesby. Just north of the Hopefield Silos the rear, offside tyre on their vehicle blew out, causing the vehicle to swerve, leave the roadway and overturn several times. Both occupants were thrown from the vehicle. Constable Dilks was killed instantly while Sergeant Whelan sustained severe injuries. The constable left a wife and two children behind.
The constable was born in 1926 and joined the New South Wales Police Force on 18 October, 1948. At the time of his death he was stationed at Corowa.
South Coast Times & Wollongong Argus Thursday 29 April 1948 page 9 of 20
On Saturday, 28th February, at Wollongong Methodist – Church, the marriage was solemnised by the Rev. D. F. Almond between Lorna Ellen, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. V.B. Dilks of Wollongong, and Henry Thomas, only son of the late Mr.R. Phipps and Mrs Phipps, also of Wollongong.
The bride entered the church on the arm of her father wearing a classical cut gown of white crepe featuring a sweetheart neckline daintily hand embroidered and set in train with embroidery similar to that of the gown. The effect was enhanced by the two-tiered veil of tulle worn over an embroidered veil which was kindly lent by a friend of the bride, held in place by a coronet of orange blossoms while white carnations, tuber roses and stephanotis made up the charming bouquet.
The Matron of Honour, Mrs. Doug Williams (of Nowra) and the bridesmaid, Miss Jean Phipps, sister of the groom, wore identical frocks of shell pink and silver matching picture hats of crinolin straw. The bouquets consisted of blue delphiniums and pink carnations which toned in beautifully with the colour scheme.
Mr. Doug Williams, of Nowra, was bestman, and Mr. Edward Dilks, brother of the bride, groomsman.
The church had been tastefully decorated by friends.
During the signing of the register, Miss Olive Waters rendered “I Did Not Know” and “Because”; Mrs E. Tripp presided at the organ.
The reception held at the Methodist School Hall was attended by over seventy guests who were received by the bride’s mother wearing a suit of burgundy crepe with black accessories and a shoulder spray of pink carnations, assisted by the bridegroom’s mother wearing a royal blue dress with navy accessories and a shoulder spray of red roses.
With Mr. Les Redman presiding the customary toasts were honoured. Then the bride assisted by the groom, cut the beautifully decorated three tier cake made by the bride’s mother. The young couple received numerous telegrams of good wishes and congratulations.
The happy couple left for the Blue Mountains with the bride looking charming in cinamon crepe and matching accessories.
The future home of Mr. and Mrs. Phipps will be at Wollongong.
The Sydney Morning Herald Friday 22 October 1954 page 1 of 36
Policeman Dies In Smash
A police constable was killed yesterday when the police car he was driving overturned three times on the Hopefield Road, near Corowa, southern N.S.W.
He was Edward Henry Dilks, 28, married, of Corowa. He died instantly from severe head injuries.
Sergeant Michael Joseph Whelan, 41, who also was in the car, suffered a probable broken rib, a broken arm, severe shock, and slight concussion.
Police said the two men were returning to Corowa about 5.15 p.m. yesterday when the car got out of control.
It ran off the road and overturned three times, hurling the men to the ground.
A Corowa District Ambulance took Sergeant Whelan to the Corowa District Hospital.
Doctors admitted him and his condition late last night was satisfactory.
Constable Dilks had been in the Police Force about six years.
He left Narrandera two years ago for Corowa.
He lived there with his wife and two children, Leonie Christine, 5, and Kevin John, 12 months, in police premises next to the station.
Sergeant Whelan was former police prosecutor at Narrandera and went to Corowa about a month ago.
Inspector L. L. Moore travelled from Albury yesterday to take charge of inquiries into the accident.
Detectives R. Rangott and C. Shenele and Constables D. Cassidy and R. Hunt are helping Inspector Moore.
Newcastle Morning Herald & Miners’ Advocate Saturday 23 October 1954 page 2 of 20
DILKS. – The Relatives and Friends of Mr. and Mrs. V. B. DILKS, HARRY, LORNA and FAMILY, and GRAN are invited to attend the Funeral of their son, brother, Uncle and grandson, EDWARD HENRY DILKS, to take place at the Woronora Crematorium at 3 p.m. Monday.
W. SQUIRES & SON, Undertaker, Corowa.
Illawarra Daily Mercury ( Wollongong ) Monday 25 October 1954 page 4 of 12
Funeral Notices DILKS. — The officers and brethren of Lodge Aubrey Holloran No. 643 U.G.L. of N.S.W. and sister lodges are requested to attend the funeral service of their esteemed brother Edward Henry Dilks at Woronora Crematorium this Monday at 3 p.m. Regalia.
A bus for brethren will leave Parsons’ Funeral Parlour, Wollongong, at 1.15 p.m. J. S. Skillen, W.M. and E. L. Boyle, Secretary.
The Riverine Grazier ( Hay ) Tuesday 26 October 1954 page 2 of 4
Former police prosecutor for this district, Sgt. 1st Class, M. Whelan, was injured in an accident near Corowa last week. He was a passenger in a police car which skidded and overturned after a tyre had blown. The car’s driver, Const. Edward Henry Dilks, of Corowa police (formerly of Narrandera), was killed. Sgt. Whelan who has a broken arm, is at present in Corowa District Hospital.
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