Police Remembrance Ribbon
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Bernard Patrick SLATTERY

Bernard Patrick SLATTERY

AKA  ?
Late of  ?

Bernard’s wife, Sheila, aged in her early 90’s, passed away at Gerringong on the 18 April 2019.

Parent’s to Michael Slattery – Solicitor used personally by many police.

NSW Redfern or Penrith Police Academy Class #  ? ? ?

New South Wales Police Force

Regd. #  4383


Rank:  Commenced Training at either Redfern or Penrith Police Academy on Monday ? ? ?

Probationary Constable – appointed 3 July 1939 ( 21 years, 0 months, 9 days )

Constable 1st Class – 1946

Sergeant 1st Class – appointed 15 September 1967

Inspector 3rd Class – appointed ? January 1973

Inspector 2nd Class – appointed 1 March 1974

Inspector 1st Class – appointed 25 February 1975

Superintendent 3rd Class – appointed ? ? ?

Superintendent 2nd Class – appointed ? ? ?

Superintendent – appointed 14 April 1978


Final Rank = Superintendent


Stations?, Camden ( 1946 ), Wagga Wagga? ( 1947 ), Broken Hill ( 12/1972 as Assistant Officer – 4/1974 ), Auburn ( 4/1974 ), Campbelltown ( SenSgt – OIC ), Wollongong ( Supt )( abt 1975 – 77 – took Claude Oakman’s place ),

ServiceFrom  ? ? pre July 1939?  to  ? ? ?? years Service ( not in the 1979 Stud Book )


Awards:   No find on It’s An Honour


Born:   Monday  24 June 1918

Died on:   ? May 2002

Age:  84 years

Cause:   ?

Event location:   ?

Event date:   ?


Funeral date:   ? ? ?

Funeral location:   ?

Wake location:  ?

Funeral Parlour:  ?


Buried at:   ?

 Memorial located at:   ?




BERNARD is NOT mentioned on the Police Wall of Remembrance  *NEED MORE INFO



May they forever Rest In Peace

Camden News (NSW : 1895 – 1954),

Thursday 21 February 1946, page 1


Death of Kenneth Andrews.

Kenneth Roser, known as Kenneth Andrews, aged 14 years, step son of Mr. J. J. Andrews, of Camden Park, met his death from internal injuries accidentally received on 7th January last, when a cart passed over his chest at Camden Park.

This was the verdict arrived at by the District Coroner, Mr. H. S. Kelloway, J. P. at an inquiry held at the Camden Court House on 13th February.

Mr. F. R. Sutton, secretary of the Camden Park Estate Pty Ltd., in evidence stated Kenneth Roser, known to him at Kenneth Andrews, was employed on the estate as an orchard hand and came under the direct control of the orchard manager, Charles Barrett from whom all instructions and orders would be received.

Dr. R. M. Crookston stated he attended deceased, the lad was then in a desperate condition. Given details of injuries upon examination, he stated marks were visible like a wheel mark across the chest, and signs of rupture of one, probably both lungs. The damage to the chest organs was obviously very serious and extensive. There was a slight temporary improvement in his condition due to oxygen given him at the District Hospital, also relief from pain and anxiety, but he died in the evening of the same day. Robert E. Fardon, 15 years, employed at Camden Park, stated that at about 2 p.m. on Monday, 7th January, in company with Kenneth, was engaged in carting fruit cases from the box shed to the packing shed. A horse and spring cart was used to carry the boxes. They put about 100 half-bushel cases on the cart, and then drove the horse and cart to the packing shed. The load was about five boxes high, and to travel to the shed both he and deceased sat on top of it. They walked the horse over, and when the door of the shed was reached the horse stopped fairly suddenly, and some of the front boxes fell down on to the horses rump. Witness slipped on to the shaft of the cart, then sprang on to the ground. Deceased slipped and fell on to the horses rump, he slipped from there on to the near side shaft to which he clung face up. The horse moved forward when the cases struck it, but it did not bolt, it just went at a slow trot for about 15 yards then stopped. While it was moving the deceased let go his hold on the shaft and fell to the ground. Witness said he saw him attempt to get out of the path of the wheel, but he was unable to do so, the wheel passed over his chest. Charles Edward Barret, orchard manager, stated that Kenneth Roser and Robert Fardon were engaged in moving fruit cases from one shed to another, for which purpose they used a horse and cart. The horse was a very quiet animal and was accustomed to the work in which the lads were engaged. When the packing shed was reached the cart was being backed in so that the cases could be unloaded, several cases fell from the load and struck the horse, which jumped forward and Kenneth, who was sitting on the front of the cart, fell to the ground and the wheel of the cart passed over his chest. Assistance was immediately given, and the lad was conveyed to the District Hospital by the ambulance. The deceased, who was very well known to witness, was industrious and energetic, and capable of carrying out the duties alloted to him. He had intelligence very much above the ordinary in applying himself to the general work of the orchard. Witness stressed the fact that the horse was quiet and reliable, and had previously been worked by the two lads, either of whom knew how to manage a horse.

Constable B. P. Slattery submitted evidence of his visit to the scene of the accident, and interviewed employees on the estate.



Camden News (NSW : 1895 – 1954),

Thursday 31 October 1946, page 4




I have to report that the Extra ordinary Election held on Saturday, October 19, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of H. S. Whitford, Esq., resulted as follows: —

BAKER, A… … 181
WYLIE, D. G… … 175
BRITTON, E. C. … … 148
PINKERTON, R L. … … 139
INVALID …… …… 1

The counting, was made in the presence of the two poll clerks and Sergeant W. Bowerman and First Class Constable B. P. Slattery, Police Officer on duty.

No candidate for action exercised his right to appoint a scrutineer. Out of nearly 1,800 enrolled electors, 645 (or nearly 36 per cent) electors exercised their civic franchise, ………

Daily Advertiser (Wagga Wagga, NSW : 1911 – 1954), Saturday 28 June 1947, page 2

Motorist Crossed Traffic Lines; Fined at Wagga

Crossing of yellow and white traffic lines by motorists was a particularly dangerous practice, said Constable B. P. Slattery in the Wagga Court of Petty Sessions yesterday.

Constable Slattery was giving evidence in a case, heard ex-parte. where Fred Tracey, of Glen Iris. Melbourne, was charged with crossing traffic lines on the Hume Highway near Tumblong, on April 17.

He said that Tracey crossed the yellow and white lines to drive his vehicle for about 50 or 60 yards on the incorrect side on the crest of a hill. Tracey’s view of the oncoming traffic would be obstructed as it was a fairly steep rise, said the constable. These lines are placed on the roadway to warn drivers to keep to the correct side at dangerous spots.

A fine of £2 with 8/ court costs was imposed.

Daily Advertiser (Wagga Wagga, NSW : 1911 – 1954), Saturday 28 June 1947, page 2


Fining a Sydney transport driver £25 at the Wagga Court of Petty Sessions yesterday, Mr. E. J. Etherton P.M., refused time to pay the fine. Vincent Amendolia, of The Corso, Manly, had failed to appear to answer a charge of operating his road transport in competition with the NSW railways.

The case was heard ex-parte.

Mr. Etherton said that it was not his policy to allow time to pay fines to defendants who did not even bother to communicate with the court, ‘Where s defendant totally disregards the court I do not think he is worthy of that consideration,’ he said.

Constable B. P. Slattery, of Wagga, said that he intercepted Amendolia about three miles north of Tarcutta on the Hume Highway at 12.35 p.m. on March 16. His semi trailer motor lorry was loaded with about 10 tons of glucose, which was being conveyed from Melbourne to Sydney.

He admitted that he had no permit to transport the goods in N.S.W. The road tax evaded by defendant would be about £47/10/ added Constable Slattery.

Amendolia was also line £3 on a charge of not having an approved signalling device on his vehicle and £2 on a charge of not having his name and address on the vehicle.

He was also ordered to pay £1/4/ court costs.

Sergeant A. E. Shipway prosecuted and informed the magistrate that defendant had 24 previous convictions for traffic offences.

Harry Francis Towers, of Firth Street, Arncliffe, was also fined £ 15 with 8/ costs, on a charge of operating a road transport in competition with the N.S.W. railways.

Constable Slattery said that Towers was intercepted at 12.45 p.m. on March 18 when he was driving a motor lorry on the Hume Highway about five miles north of Tarcutta.

The lorry was loaded with 16 rolls of paper which were being taken from Melbourne to Sydney.

Towers did not have a permit to transport the goods in N.S.W. There was about eight tons of paper on the lorry and the N.S.W. road tax evaded would be about £40, said Constable Slattery.

Daily Advertiser (Wagga Wagga, NSW : 1911 – 1954),

Friday 5 December 1947, page 2


Constable B. P. Slattery said that he saw a trailer owned by Hodge, no Sturt Highway, on May 7.
The trailer was loaded with deiseline and the driver, John Jones, also of Sydney, did not have a permit, Constable Slattery said.

Nothing further, at this time, is known about this man, his career or family life – nor is anything known about his wife.

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