Probationary Constable Thomas Lyons HACKETT

Probationary Constable Thomas Lyons HACKETT

Horse Accident

Belmore Park

4 September, 1886


The probationary constable died as a result of serious head injuries received when he fell from his horse at Belmore Barracks during drill exercises. The Sydney Morning Herald of Tuesday 7 September, 1886 carried the following paragraph in relation to the incident.


At the South Sydney Morgue yesterday, the Coroner instituted an inquiry into the death of a probationary constable named Thomas Lyons Hackett, who expired at the Police Barracks, Belmore Park, on Saturday. The deceased, who was well connected, was said to be the son of Sir William Hackett of Dublin; he was a native of Ireland and 33 years of age. At an early hour on Saturday the deceased and others were doing their drill when the order was given for Hackett to prepare for sword exercise. Upon taking his sword which was handed to him by a constable, his horse swerved and, after plunging violently, fell, bringing his rider with him. The deceased became unconscious after the fall, and despite the attention which was paid to him by the authorities, he expired the same evening. He was accustomed to riding. The medical evidence was to the effect that the man died from injuries to the head, and the jury, after consideration, returned a verdict of “accidental death”.


The probationary constable was 33 years of age at the time of his death and appears to have been a member of the mounted police.

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