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Constable Henry RUCKER

Constable Henry RUCKER



19 October, 1863


The constable was drowned whilst attempting to cross a tributary of Lake Macquarie. He was one of a group of police searching for a number of offenders who had earlier robbed James Williams’ jewellery store in Hunter Street, Newcastle. While endeavouring to cross the creek the constable’s horse rolled over, throwing him into the water where he drowned.


The Empire newspaper dated 23 October, 1863 reported that ” On Monday afternoon, Mounted Constable Henry Rucker, stationed at Newcastle, was dispatched on business to Lake Macquarie, and going there was directed to a crossing place at Shepherd’s Creek, between Newcastle and the Lake, he misunderstood the direction, and attempted to cross in the wrong place and the current being very strong, he was seen to fall from his horse and sink. The horse swam to the opposite bank, but the body of the unfortunate trooper was not recovered. He was a young man, and a native of Sydney and what makes his death the more melancholy is that he was to have been married yesterday. He was a very efficient constable, and was much respected by his superiors. “


The constable was born in 1832 and joined the New South Wales Police Force on 4 March, 1863. At the time of his death he was probably stationed at Newcastle.



National Police Remembrance Day ceremony in Lake Macquarie





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