Constable Robert McGEE

Constable Robert McGEE


Patrick’s Plains

19 March, 1832


Constable McGee was appointed a constable at Patrick’s Plains (Singleton) on 1 February, 1832 and was drowned a few weeks later while attempting to swim across Fal Brook. He had arrived in Australia as a convict aboard the ship Agamemnon in 1821, having been sentenced at Edinburgh on 3 January, 1820 to be transported to Australia for fourteen years. His Ticket of Leave, No. 31/896, is dated 19 November, 1831. Other details are so far unknown.


The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser of 31 May, 1832 advertised the following, indicating the death of Constable McGee.


COLONIAL SECRETARY’S OFFICE, Sydney, 28th May, 1832.

HIS Excellency the Governor has been pleased to approve of the following alterations in the Police of the Colony, namely: Penrith – William Rope, native of the colony, and Hugh Wallace Hossack, free, to be Constables from the 24th ultimo, in the room of Abraham Samuels, dismissed for gambling, and James Kerwin, resigned, Williams River – William Charles Stewart, free, to be Constable in the room of John Maxwell, dismissed; to bear date the 1st instant, Darlington – William Everness, holding a Ticket of Leave, to be Constable from the 9th ultimo, in the room of Robert McGee, deceased.

By His Excellency’s Command, ALEXANDER McLEAY.


At the time of his death the constable was serving in the Patrick’s Plains (Singleton) district.


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