Constable Hugh CAMPBELL

Constable Hugh CAMPBELL

Horse Accident

Green Swamp

7 April, 1868


On 7 April, 1868 Constable Campbell was riding from Mudgee to Green Swamp in search of an offender who had attacked Naughton’s Public House at Green Swamp the previous evening. The constable had spent most of the night searching for the offender. He was a foot policeman and was not an accomplished rider however at the time there were no mounted troopers at the police barracks to pursue the offender. While riding at a fast canter the constable fell from his horse. He died of his injuries.


The Sydney Morning Herald dated 13 April, 1868, printed the following account.



It is with deep regret… we announce the death, through a fall from his horse, of Senior Constable Campbell of the local police. The inquest was held at the Court House on Wednesday before Dr. King, coroner, when Bernard Naughton deposed: I am a publican, residing at Green Swamp; Yesterday about 3 o’clock, I, my wife, my brother, and the deceased, were going out together from Mudgee to Green Swamp; my wife and the deceased were about 200 yards ahead of us, just beyond Crossing’s; I saw deceased’s horse swerve and deceased thrown; I immediately went up, and found him lying in a ditch insensible; I took him out, and sent home for my spring-cart; I then started into Mudgee for medical assistance; deceased was riding at a sharp canter at the time of the accident; I assisted to escort the cart into town, and deceased expired just as we entered the court-house yard; deceased told me that he was going out to endeavour to capture Johnson the bushranger…”


The constable was born in 1823 and joined the police force in July, 1855. In 1862 he became a member of the newly-formed New South Wales Police Force. At the time of his death he was probably stationed at Mudgee.

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