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Robert Hebden STEVEN

Robert Hebden STEVEN

NSW Police Force

Registered number 13750

63 old

Empire Bay, NSW




Robert passed away on 03/10/2013 and his funeral is proposed to be held at 10am on Friday 18th Instant at Greenway Chapel and Memorial Gardens, 460 Avoca Drive, GREEN POINT.

Information about Robert from another Retired NSWPF member:

I worked with Bob Steven at Queanbeyan back in the mid 70’s in G.D.s we were both Constables at that time.  One particular incident I remember clearly while working with Bob was during major flooding of the city, in 1973, and we had been recalled to duty to assist with emergency evacuations, it was night time, pissing down rain, the city had been cut in half by the flood waters of the Queanbeyan River.  The Queanbeyan Leagues Club, main shopping area etc, were all inundated with fast flowing water.  To cut it short, Bob and I were working on the eastern side of the Town, our operations Commander was a detective Jude Maloney.  Bob and I were evacuating people from units in McQuoid St which is parallel to the river. As we came down stairs from evacuating units, the waters had reached chest level depths.  Bob was carrying a child of about 2-3 years old above his head for about 50 to 60 metres in fast flowing waters.  I thought his courage and determination was outstanding.  When his actions were raised with senior officers the next day I was informed that was “all part of the job”.

Maybe his family might like to know this.

Regards Phil Dunn

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One Comment

  1. Thank you, Phil. I’d never heard this story until now, and appreciate its appearance here.

    Very best,
    Mark (Bob’s son)

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