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Matthew Steven MONTESIN

Matthew Steven MONTESIN aka  Monty New South Wales Police Force Constable Regd. #  46705 Stationed:  Mt Druitt LAC Born  9 September 1973 Died  30 July 2014 40 old Illness – Lung Cancer ( non smoker ) Funeral:  Holy Spirit Catholic Church, Todd Row & Moore St, St Clair, Friday  8 August 2014 at 11.30am Committal…

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FLANNERY Victoria Police Force Stationed:  Flinders St, Melbourne Sergeant Suicide – hanging Died  Tuesday 12 October 1897   A POLICE SERGEANT’S SUICIDE. Sergeant Flannery, who for many years has been in charge of the Flinders street, Melbourne, police station hanged himself on Tuesday morning in the office which he occupied at the station. The office…

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Claude William Alexander BOVARD

Claude William Alexander BOVARD New South Wales Police Force Regd. #  ? Rank:  Constable 1st Class Stations:  Mudgee, Gilgandra, Dubbo, Wellington, Grenfell, Bathurst x 2, Forbes ( for 7 – 8 months ) Service:  From ? ? 1897? to 29 September 1915 = 18 years Service Awards:  ? Born:  ? Died on:  Friday  1 October…

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James SMITH New South Wales Police Force Sub Inspector Joined the NSW Police Force in 15 January 1868 – Mounted Police Previously stationed at:  Maitland ( 2 years ), Singleton, Wollombi as Senior Constable, Muswellbrook as Sergeant April 1883 – promoted to Senior-Sergeant 1891 – promoted to Sub-Inspector 27 years Service Illness – Suicide –…

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Stanley Malcolm ‘ Lee ‘ COLLARD

Stanley Malcolm ‘ Lee ‘ COLLARD Western Australia Police Force Regd. # 82753 Died  July 2014 Funeral  1 August 2014 – 12.30pm   COLLARD, Stanley Malcolm (Lee): The Commissioner of Police ( W.A. ) and all members of the Western Australia Police regret the passing of our colleague Lee Collard registered number 82753. Deepest sympathy…

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John Charles DUFF

John Charles DUFF New South Wales Police Force Regd. # 11262 76 old Cancer of both lungs and tumor on the spine Died  24 July 2014 Funeral  31 July 2014   With regret I advise the death of John Charles DUFF, 76 old, former Regd. No. 11262, not an RPA member of Rylstone. John passed…

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Barrie John BROWN

Barrie John BROWN – AM New South Wales Police Force Regd. # 10118 Rank:  ? Stations:  ? Service:  NSW Police:  From  ?  to  ? ? 1969 Service: Commonwealth Police / Australian Federal Police:  From  ? to  ? ? 1996 AFP Regd. #  ? Awards:  Member of the Order of Australia ( AM ) – granted…

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Douglas Edward CRAMPTON

Douglas Edward CRAMPTON New South Wales Police Force Regd. # 8579 86 old Died  26 July 2014 Funeral  1 August 2014   Douglas Edward CRAMPTON, 86 old, former Regd. No. 8579, Uniform No. 3265,  a Veteran member of the Hornsby & District Branch of the RPA. Douglas passed away on 26/07/2014 and his funeral is…

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Murdoch ‘ Murdo ‘ MacKENZIE

Murdoch ‘ Murdo ‘ MacKENZIE New South Wales Police Force Regd. # 6188 86 old Born 7 June 1928 Died  8 June 2014 Funeral  17 June 2014, Noon, at Hansen & Cole Funerals, 634 Northcliffe Dve, Kembla Grange, NSW       Funeral location: [google-map-v3 shortcodeid=”48948a9b” width=”350″ height=”350″ zoom=”12″ maptype=”roadmap” mapalign=”center” directionhint=”false” language=”default” poweredby=”false” maptypecontrol=”true”…