Trooper John TIPPER

Trooper John TIPPER

Horse Accident

Stuart Town

18 March, 1858


The trooper was accidentally killed in a fall from his police horse at the police camp at the Wellington Road diggings (now Stuart Town). On that day the trooper and another police officer were riding back to the police camp. As they went around a bend in the road, about 400 metres from the camp, Trooper Tipper’s horse suddenly shied and then ran obliquely across the roadway and into the sloping trunk of a tree. The trooper’s head and face struck the tree with considerable force, knocking him off the horse and causing extensive injuries.


The Sydney Morning Herald of 5 April, 1858 reported details of the inquest, during which it was revealed that “Upon being raised from the ground, a portion of the brain was observed to be protruding, and, upon further examination, it was found that the whole of the frontal bones were crushed in, and the features of the unhappy man totally destroyed. Distressing to relate, no surgical assistance could be procured, there being no medical man resident within many miles of this place. Messengers were immediately dispatched to the nearest townships for a doctor; but, after lingering until the evening, and long before medical aid could possibly arrive, the poor sufferer died. All that it was in the power of the persons present to do to relieve pain was done, but it would at least have been a satisfaction to the poor widow to know that her late husband had had the benefit of medical assistance.”


At the time of his death the trooper was aged 27 years and was attached to the Western Gold Police, Wellington. He left behind a widow and an infant son.


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