
“Sixty percent of all students studying the Diploma of Policing Practice receive a scholarship, which can really ease the financial burden of study”

We encourage all applicants for the Diploma of Policing Practice at CSU to apply for a Policing Scholarship, funded by the NSW Police and awarded by CSU. Applicants with graduate status do not need to apply for a scholarship.

The following scholarships will be available from January 2002.

Type Value Length Selection Number Available

(For Full-time undergraduate students)

$8,000 Sessions 1 and 2 Applicants must provide evidence of financial need. Scholarships will then be awarded on the relative performance of each applicant against the academic and professional criteria for entry to the course. 50% of full-time undergraduate intake
Higher Value

(For Full-time undergraduate students)

$12,000 Sessions 1 & 2 inclusive Applicants must provide evidence of financial need, such that without this Scholarship, they could not complete the course. Scholarships will then be awarded on the relative performance of each applicant against the academic and professional criteria for entry to the course. 10% of full-time undergraduate intake
Session 2

Full-time and Part-time (DE) undergraduate students

$1,760 Session 2 only Session 2 students not in receipt of a $8,000 or $12,000 scholarship are eligible to apply. Applicants must provide evidence of financial need. Scholarships will then be awarded on the relative performance of each applicant against the academic and professional criteria.
Session 2

Higher Value

Full-time and Part-time (DE) undergraduate students

Up to $4,000 Session 2 only Session 2 students not in receipt of a $8,000 or $12,000 scholarship are eligible to apply. Applicants must provide evidence of financial need such that, without this Scholarship, they could not complete the course. Scholarships will then be awarded on the relative performance of each applicant against the academic and professional criteria. Limited number
Graduate $4000 Session 2 only Satisfies professional and academic criteria and has gained Advanced Standing to enter at Session 2. All students commencing in this cohort.

To receive a scholarship, students must be enrolled in the Diploma of Policing Practice and satisfy the professional and academic criteria for the program. Only 60% of full-time undergraduate students receive a scholarship for Sessions 1 and 2, with scholarships being awarded on a combination of academic and professional merit to students who provide evidence of financial need.

Should a scholarship be awarded and at some later stage it is found that the student no longer satisfies professional and academic criteria, the scholarship will be withdrawn.

Selection criteria for Session 2 scholarships include both academic performance and professional behaviour in Session 1. Students apply for these scholarships during Session 1.
Session 2 – Higher Value Scholarships will be awarded to successful applicants who, for personal financial circumstances, would otherwise not be able to continue in the course. Applicants must provide evidence demonstrating exceptional need, which would otherwise preclude them from continuing in the course eg. dependent children; having to maintain a family home; other financial or personal matters.

For the purposes of Austudy and Centrelink benefits, the scholarship payment is deemed income. For the purposes of personal taxation, the scholarship payment is deemed non-taxable income.
Please note:

  • There is no process to appeal against the non-award of a scholarship;
  • Students who do not receive a scholarship are advised to carefully consider their financial ability to complete the first half of the course;
  • Should a scholarship be awarded, and at some later stage it is found that the student no longer satisfies the professional and academic criteria, the scholarship will be withdrawn;
  • Scholarship payments are made on the basis that students maintain a satisfactory rate of academic progress. The Scholarship is paid once only for each session of study, hence where a student needs to repeat a session due to academic failure then the scholarship will be suspended until the failed subjects have been passed and the student progresses to the next session.
  • Should a student, in receipt of a scholarship, change their mode of study from full-time undergraduate to part-time undergraduate (by distance education) then the scholarship payments will cease and the student will be eligible to re-apply for a scholarship in Session 2.